Concerns about Middle East Studies workshop

Dear President Qayoumi, We are faculty at the University of California and co-founders of the AMCHA Initiative, a grassroots organization committed to investigating, documenting, and combatting campus antisemitism, particularly on California public university campuses. We...

The medical war on Israel,7340,L-4153223,00.html Israel was excluded from the International Red Cross for half a century because of the Star of David. Questioned for having denied entry to the Jewish state, Cornelio Sommaruga, then-head of the International Committee...

Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

Slave Trade Fed by Sudan’s Civil War

Madhol, Sudan (February 8, 1998 00:19 a.m. EST) <!-- -->-- Stacks of money pass from the Christian foreigner to the Muslim trader, an exchange anxiously watched by a 13-year-old girl with diamonds of...

Top Commander Describes Destruction of US Navy “A Main Operational Goal of IRGC” "Conducting trainings, exercises and drills to get prepared for operational goals is always on our agenda and Americans and all the world know that one of the operational goals of the IRGC Navy is...

Building Religious/Cultural Bridges Between Arab and Jewish University Students

When the late Anwar Sadat made his historic dramatic trip to Jerusalem 20 years ago, he asserted the importance of bridging the gap between Arabs and Jews by breaking what he called the "Psychological...

Letter of Complaint Filed Against the Americans for Peace Now

June 5, 2003 Commissioner Mark W. Everson Internal Revenue Service Washington, DC 20224 202-622-4115 RE: Request for injunction and investigation against Americans for Peace Now for illegally utilizing U.S. charitable contributions for matters of Israeli politics, violation of Internal...

Chaya Raanan: Profile of Courage in Hebron

Screams of terror and pain pierced the silent Hebron night. The screams were coming from the bedroom where Rabbi Shlomo Ra'anan, was preparing to retire for the night. Chaya Ra'anan, who was in the...

Editor’s report: Ramallah -The Back Entrance,a Whiff of Nazism and Coca -Cola,a_Whiff_of_Nazism_and_Coca_-Cola Up until August 2011, I had no idea that there was a "back" entrance to Ramallah used for diplomats only, which enabled them to get in and out of Ramallah with ease and avoid...

Rocket Fire, Hostilities Continue In Gaza

Smoke caused by explosions from Israeli forces’ operations rises from buildings on the outskirts of Gaza City yesterday. (Hatem Moussa/Associated Press) Yesterday, no schools in communities and towns at a distance of 30 miles Gaza...