Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network: Glory to the Egyptian Martyrs and Shame on Criminals 08 August 2012 The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) condemns, in the strongest terms, the heinous crime committed by an armed group in Sinai on Sunday, 05 August 2012, the result of which 16 Egyptian...

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA? The United Nations Relief and Work Agency is the only UN refugee agency dedicated to a single group of people. It is the only agency that designates individuals as original refugees if they lived...

Netanyahu: Israel Must Finish the Job

NewsMax senior correspondent and Middle East expert Kenneth R. Timmerman is in Israel reporting on the conflict there. Timmerman reports from Kiryat Shemona in this exclusive interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Former...

The Middle Eastern Cold War

There are many cracks in the Arab Street.

A cold war is "the key to understanding the Middle East in the 21st century." So argue Yigal Carmon and three of his colleagues at the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) in a recent study, "An Escalating Regional Cold War."They have identified a major confrontation that the media has somehow missed - and which is the more important for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's just having been re-designated as president of Iran.

Qatar’s Rise and America’s Tortured Middle East Policy One of the most notable aspects of the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is the prominent role being played by the Emirate of Qatar in supporting the terrorist organization, whose genocidal...

Egypt Demands Israel To Vacate Port City of Eilat

It will be remembered that the 1967 Six-Day War broke out after Egypt closed the straits of Tiran and strangled the trade from Israel's southern port city of Eliat. Yet few are aware that Egypt...

“Most of what I’ve heard from this panel is BULLSHIT.”

There are many reasons the Israeli/Jewish lobby rules in Washington with hardly any effective opposition. One of the main reasons is that the various Arab-American organizations that exist are all controlled, manipulated, and usually paralyzed...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...

Overcoming Attempted Murder

Dear friends and facebook friends of friends! I am asking you to take a moment - read my story - and consider sponsoring Pia Levine as she participates in the NY Triathlon to raise funds...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: October 9, 2007 "Speechless?" Not quite. It takes a lot to render me speechless. But the events of the last few days push me in that direction. The foolishness, the essential errors in thinking, the...