It Isn’t Israel in Danger of Disappearing, It’s The People Who Think That Way israel-in-danger-of-disappearing-it%E2%80%99s-the-people-who-think-that-way/ “...never send to know for whom the bell tolls It tolls for thee.” -John Dunne Rome, Italy I’m standing on the edge of the Roman Forum, by the Arch of Titus. This is the marble structure built by...

100 Hamas Rockets Targeting Israeli Schoolchildren Photos: Direct hit in Netivut home, Monday morning 12.11.12, later on a direct hit in a ceramics factory in Netivot. Daniel Hagbi/Sderot Media Center It was a daunting, dismal weekend for Israel’s south, particularly for...

Let Their People Go

YC, a healthy yet distraught young man recently showed up at my office. We all hear horror stories of the trials and tribulations of new immigrants. We have all experienced these stories in our own lives. However,...

Exiled Palestinian Arabs from Bethlehem Ran Two Year Reign of Terror

Bethlehem Residents of this biblical city are expressing relief at the exile to Cyprus last week of 13 hard-core Palestinian militants, who they said had imposed a two-year reign of terror that included rape,...

US Tax Money Funding Palestinian Propaganda, Critics Charge

Jerusalem ( - U.S. tax money is underwriting a Palestinian anti-Israel lobbying and propaganda campaign, according to an independent analyst and researcher in Israel. A Palestinian non-governmental organization called the Palestinian Academic Society for the...

“Voice of Palestine” of the Palestinian Authority Praises Murder of a Pregant Woman and...

The PA radio, known as the PBC "Voice of Palestine", remains the most influential media tool in the hands of the Palestinian Authority, which now observes ten years since the genesis of Palestinian Authority...

A Dispassionate Analysis

This dispatch contains a series of mostly short notes concerning the reporting by Reuters, the AP, the Guardian, and others of attacks on Israelis in recent days. Contents: 1. Notes about Reuters "disgracefully misleading" coverage of...

Shmuel (Sammy) Bar-Lev: Syria’s recognition of Turkish sovereignty in Alexandretta precedent for Golan

Shmuel (Sammy) Bar-Lev, chairman of the Katzrin local council, suggested this morning in a live interview on Israel Radio that Syria reach peace with Israel as it did with Turkey - with the Syrians...

European Parliament Starting to Understand the Truth about Israel and the “Palestinians” Many in the European Parliament simply don’t know the facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. When you present data, and especially when you bring them to the field, their automatic support for the Palestinians begins...

BLIND TO TERROR: THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S DISASTROUS MUSLIM OUTREACH EFFORTS AND THE IMPACT ON... Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number...