Rumors Spread by the Official Palestinian Authority Media that Jews Are Plotting to Take...

From Sunday May 8 through Tuesday May 10, the Palestinian Authority (PA) media emphasized the "threat of an attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque" and the threat of "the polluting of the holy Jerusalem shrine" (Arabic:...

The People Who Helped Kill My Mother

Debate is raging in the United States on creating a medical system modeled such efficient socialized systems as Israel’s. The long and the short of it is “Don’t Do It” unless you plan to emblazon...

Why Isn’t Obama Pressuring thePalestinians?

For the first time since the Oslo peace process started 18 years ago, Palestinian leaders are openly refusing to negotiate with the government of Israel, and U.S. President Barack Obama's administration is doing very...

Official PA TV: Pressures Exerted on Palestinian Children to seek Shahada – Death for...

TV: Child Writes to Mother, "Rejoice over My Death" "Ask for Death - the life will be given to you." This slogan, which was broadcast on Palestinian television on July 5th of last year, was...

Sderot Tenses for the Next Round

An Israeli TV crew joined us on our trip to Sderot the other day. They are in the process of shooting a short documentary on Gush Katif refugees in which we appear. "The bombing of Sderot...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...

Commentary: Abbas’s Assurances to Olmert…

Well... yesterday we were told that during their meeting Abbas assured Olmert that the release of Shalit was imminent, and that he would be working to try to make it happen before the unity...

Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation While European guilt over its colonialist past facilitates the acceptance of the Palestinian-as-victim narrative and while the latent, traditional anti-Semitism that culminated in the Holocaust has never been eliminated, Israel is still not quite...

We need the guts to say no to Rice

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his successor Ehud Olmert justified unilateral disengagement on the grounds that we were obliged to take initiatives to break the impasse in the absence of a Palestinian peace partner. In...

After Arafat

When Yasir Arafat became seriously ill in late 2003, Palestinians were near panic for several days. Officials did not know how to handle the crisis. Ahmad Dudin, former Fatah leader in the Hebron region,...