Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio, March 1-2.V.O.P. Reacts...

Summary & Analysis In its Thursday and Friday broadcasts, V.O.P. has been almost mono-maniacally fixated on Israeli comments portending possible military action inside PA territory. Various PA ministers have-following the lead of Presidential Secretary Ta'ib...

Official PA radio news: PA Virtual Endorsement of Ehud Barak

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine stepped up the Palestinian Authority's support of Ehud Barak, only five days before Israeli elections, featuring reports on efforts by Sweden (temporary head of EU) to set up...

Middle East Coverage: Philadelphia Bulletin December 11-14th

This news item was prepared in cooperation with Noam Bedein, head of the regional news service for Sderot and the Western Negev in southern Israel. The first salvo was fired on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Four...

What Wingate Wrought Everyone still remembers T. E. Lawrence, if only because of David Lean’s magnificent movieLawrence of Arabia and Lawrence’s own literary masterpiece,Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Yet far fewer remember Lawrence’s distant cousin, the British Army officer...

Interview with Rabbi Arik Asherman, director of the RABBIS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS

Allan: Tell me a little about yourself. Asherman: Sure, my name is Rabbi Arik Asherman. I'm the executive director of Rabbi's for Human Rights. I also, on a part time basis am the Rabbi for...

What Happened During the Katif Eviction: A first hand Account

I have decided to send this out to you so that you can read a first hand detailed account of what the world news is mostly blacking out. First, I want you to understand the...

Israel’s Two-state “Solution” Pyrrhic Victory In 280-279 BCE, Greek King Pyrrhus' army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at Heraclea and at Asculum. King Pyrrhus soon lost the war against the Romans. The term "Pyrrhic Victory" describes situations...


Vic Toews, currently Canada’s Minister of Public Security visiting Jordan in January 2010. All photos courtesy of Minister Toews. Minister Toews visiting Jordan, January 2010. Minister Toews visiting Jordan, January 2010. Minister Toews meeting in Ramallah with...

Recorded Interview with Jeff Halper, Head of the Israel Committee for House Demolitions (ICHD)

Media analyst Allan Polak conducts recorded interview with Jeff Halper on March 24, 1999. (Halper, an anthropologist, is the head of the ISRAEL COMMITTEE FOR HOUSE DEMOLITIONS and a candidate to be the new...

America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning It's 2015, and there is a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas), financed by Iran, wins an election on a platform demanding the expulsion...