Mashaal Cannot Change Hamas The re-election last week of Khaled Mashaal as Hamas leader has been interpreted by some Arab and Western analysts as a sign of the radical Islamist's desire to march toward "moderation and pragmatism." Hamas, according...

Close but no cigar: Human Rights Watch mentions launching weapons from civilian areas in... Here is what the top Palestinian NGO once wrote: "Palestinian Centre for Human Rights...Warns of the dangers caused by continued manufacturing or storage of explosive devices by Palestinian resistance groups in civilian-populated areas, which threaten...

Comprehensive Report: What Message Has Arafat’s PBC Radio Newsreel Conveyed Since the September 11...

The Palestinian Authority has actually escalated the war-making component of its propaganda organs: Voice of Palestine Radio and Palestinian Television---even as it tells the West that it is entering a cease fire with Israel. In...

Exiled Palestinian Arabs from Bethlehem Ran Two Year Reign of Terror

Bethlehem Residents of this biblical city are expressing relief at the exile to Cyprus last week of 13 hard-core Palestinian militants, who they said had imposed a two-year reign of terror that included rape,...

A Profile: When A Social Worker Who helps Terror Victims Becomes a Terror Victim

Scenes of terrorism in newspapers and television have the same effect on me: they inspire shock and anger. There are the pictures of the ambulance crews, the Chevra Kadisha (Jewish burial Society) workers literally...

The victims of Syria’s war finding care in Israel In the maternity unit at the Sieff Hospital in the Israeli city of Tzfat, the safe arrival of every baby feels like a minor miracle. But on the day we visited, there was one little...

AP: Documents Show that Arafat Remunerates the Killers

Jerusalem (AP) - After seizing Palestinian offices and scouring thousands of papers, Israel says documents show Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat authorized payment to a militant who allegedly had been involved in killing several Israelis. Israel's...

Israeli teacher recalls her kidnapped students On the morning of June 12, my heart was ripped out of my chest. It was the Friday that, as a teacher in Makor Chaim (“Source of Life”) yeshiva high school, I received a text message that...

Christian Groups Who Were Expelled This Past Month

While these groups vary slightly from each other in exact denomination and particular ideology, they share a common expectation: a return of Jesus sometime in the immediate future. This expectation has prompted the members...

Religious Leaders Talk Ahead Of Pope’s Visit A Rabbi Greets The Pope In Rome,...

A leading Israeli rabbi is speaking out on the sensitive discussions between the Israeli rabbinate and the Vatican in anticipation of Pope Benedict XVI's May visit to the Holy Land and about his own...