On the Jewish Question in Annapolis

Herewith some thoughts about tomorrow's Annapolis peace conference, and the larger problem of how to approach the Israel-Palestine conflict. The first question (one might think it is obvious but apparently not) is, "What is...

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the “Clash within a Civilization”

http://csis.org/publication/saudi-arabia-iran-and-clash-within-civilization No one has ever been able to travel to the Gulf without discovering just how different the perspectives and values of the West and the Middle East can be. During the last two...


There are many people in Israel who feel like these past two weeks have been the longest two weeks in their lives. Since the moment the abduction became public knowledge, the tension is palpable....

PASSIA: US acknowledges that US AID Finances the Leading Palestinian Arab Media Lobby Organization

Ever wonder who is behind the well-oiled Palestinian propaganda operation that reaches out to every media outlet and every college campus in sight? Well, look no further than the US taxpayer. The US government has finally...

Palestinian NGOs Reject Antiterrorism Pledge

Palestinian nongovernmental organizations are refusing to sign a US-sponsored commitment stating they will not transfer funds to individuals or groups that engage in terrorism. The organizations said Saturday they are planning a popular campaign in...

Rabbis for Human Rights Responds to David Bedein

David Bedein wrote in his April article, "Rabbis Who Ignore Human Rights", "Ten years ago, a group known as the Rabbis For Human Rights"... was formed to relate to the human rights and civil...

Neo-Nazis Carving Out Fiefs in Eastern Germany

Angermuende, Germany -- The football-sized rocks crashed through the window of Holger Zschoge's ground-floor apartment on the night of Jan. 30 while he was sleeping. Not surprisingly, Zschoge, a 35-year-old schoolteacher, has come to conclude...

Slave Trade Fed by Sudan’s Civil War

Madhol, Sudan (February 8, 1998 00:19 a.m. EST) <!--http://www.nando.net -->-- Stacks of money pass from the Christian foreigner to the Muslim trader, an exchange anxiously watched by a 13-year-old girl with diamonds of...

Why Israel is a rogue state [Gabriel Latner]

In October there was a debate in Cambridge; the proposition - "Israel is a rogue state". Gabriel Latner was the Cambridge University law student who was assigned by the Cambridge Union debating society to...

A Black Cloud Over Humanity, Israel and the Jewish People

Every April, the walls of the Armenian Quarter, which lead to the Jewish Quarter in the Old City in Jerusalem, are plastered with posters, reminding the people of Israel of the Armenian genocide. Throughout...