Israel Without Apology

Three decades ago, I was a Berkeley New Leftist with a political and personal problem. I had been born in Israel, and, though I didn't consider myself a Zionist, I certainly didn't want to...

Wanton Police Violence in Jerusalem

The chareidi protest against the gay parade two weeks ago resulted in a police pogrom against the chareidi community. The police knew that there would be unrest and demonstrations in the chareidi community due...

Mashaal Cannot Change Hamas The re-election last week of Khaled Mashaal as Hamas leader has been interpreted by some Arab and Western analysts as a sign of the radical Islamist's desire to march toward "moderation and pragmatism." Hamas, according...

Revealed: the Special Relationship Behind America’s Middle East policy

Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary who was a driving force behind the invasion of Iraq, is depicted as a fiercely pro-Zionist hardliner. Philip Sherwell reveals his unlikely confidante is a high-powered Arab...

Sderot under attack

We visited Sderot yesterday. Leaving Nitzan we gave a lift to a Gush Katif student learning in the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva combining Torah studies and army service. "How are you holding on?" I asked. "Okay. It's...

Commentary on Rice-Livni Encounter

It seems sometimes a rule of thumb that if I wait a day, the news changes. So it is with what I reported yesterday, from The Jerusalem Post, regarding a linkage being made by the...

The Survival of Avrum Aryeh Bejell during World War II

Mr. Avrum Aryeh Bejell passed away recently in Jerusalem. Aspects of his autobiography put a human face on the recent history of Israel and the Jewish people. Summer of 1939. The air was saturated with the...

Solidarity in Sderot:Hadassah Unity Mission visits Israeli city weary of relentless rocket fire from...

Of the many stops made by the 58 delegates of the recent "Hadassah is Here" Israel Unity Mission, seeing with their own eyes the mounds of Kassam rockets behind Sderot's Police Headquarters, was a...

So you thought Netanyahu is tough on terrorism? Not exactly Last week, our government sent my daughter’s murderer, Ahlam Tamimi, a pre-wedding gift. Tamimi, the woman who engineered the 2001 massacre in Jerusalem’s Sbarro restaurant, was released from prison by the Israeli government in October...

What part of ‘Iran will get the bomb if you don’t stop it’ Mr... So now the crisis in relations between President Obama and the state of Israel has finally blown publicly open. On the very anniversary of 9/11, the day when America learned firsthand a little of...