The Associated Press Reveals the Lie of a Palestinian Doctor.

Israeli soldiers did not bar a Palestinian woman in labor from passing an Israeli checkpoint, her relatives said Thursday, refuting initial claims by two Palestinian doctors. The baby boy was born in a taxi at...

General Assembly of Jewish Federations Gathers in Philadelphia Under a Cloud of War

It is difficult for any large organization to switch gears. The United Jewish Communities The UJC of North America, which comprises all major Jewish organizations in North America, gathers this week for its annual "General...

Islamic Supremacy Alive and Well in Ankara Supersessionism refers to the belief that Christians have superseded Jews in a new covenant with God. Islam, too, sees itself as superseding all previous divine revelation but, unlike Christianity, which canonized the Old Testament...

Solidarity in Sderot:Hadassah Unity Mission visits Israeli city weary of relentless rocket fire from...

Of the many stops made by the 58 delegates of the recent "Hadassah is Here" Israel Unity Mission, seeing with their own eyes the mounds of Kassam rockets behind Sderot's Police Headquarters, was a...

Did Jews Abandon the Temple Mount? Stones from the destroyed temple can be seen here. Contrary to what many believe, Jews did not abandon the Temple Mount after the temple's actual destruction in 70 C.E. There is even evidence that...

Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: July 27, 2007 "Courage" Their names were Avshalom Haviv, Meir Nakar and Yaakov Weiss, and their memories stand as a blessing. In yesterday's Post, Yehuda Avner told their story: It was 1947. As the days of...

Israel’s role in Turkey’s Chinese missile deal Surprising many in the West, Turkey has selected a Chinese firm under U.S. sanctions to build its long-range air and missile defense system (T-Loramid) with low cost and possibility of a technology transfer. Both NATO...

“Beat your swords into investment portfolios?”

Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, Danny Ayalon, who is a former Israel Ambassaor to the U.S. and a leader of the Israel Beiteinu party told a group of about 70 Palestinian women - who...


Where is everyone? Where did all the people who demonstrated against Israel’s brutality in Operation Cast Lead, in the Second Lebanon War, in Operation Defensive Shield, or even in The Hague, when we were...