A Serious Case of Colour Blindness”¦writes Michael Kuttner

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/a-serious-case-of-colour-blindness-writes-michael-kuttner/34078#more-34078 Individuals suffering from colour blindness are unable to distinguish between red and green. This of course can be a dangerous situation if they drive and have to know when to stop or go at...

Paycheck for Terrorism: $5,300 for Suicide Attack

For the first time, startling details are being made public about the millions of dollars funneled from Middle East charities to Islamic terrorists and their families. Families of Islamic suicide bombers received a $5,300 payment. The...

Living with a War on the Road Near Our Home

Yesterday three brutal murders rocked our community. Two were from Efrat. Sarah Blaustein, 53 was shot to death while on the way with her family and some hitchhikers picked up in Efrat, to the...

Why does the Israeli consulate in San Francisco promote Yossi Beilin?

Dr. Yossi Beilin currently holds no public office in Israel. He holds no seat in the Israeli Knesset. Indeed, Beilin handily lost his bid for re-election in the Labor Party primaries last year, and...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=4326&sec=2&title=_Investigative_Report:_Green_Olive_Tours_Promotes_Palestinian_Maximalist_Claims_Not_In_Accord_with_Any_Two_State_Solution _ Children at Deheishe Refugee Camp Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the...

Building Religious/Cultural Bridges Between Arab and Jewish University Students

When the late Anwar Sadat made his historic dramatic trip to Jerusalem 20 years ago, he asserted the importance of bridging the gap between Arabs and Jews by breaking what he called the "Psychological...

Incisive Commentary: Time for Action

Posting: October 25, 2007 "Time for Action" As these are serious times, action in the US is called for. And so I ask each of you who is a US citizen to help. Below you will find...

The Right of Return: Through Conjugal Negotiatons

Ibrahim Idris was born in 1967, the year the city of his birth, Nablus, was conquered. In 1994, when the Palestinian Authority returned to the territories, Idris made a significant change in his life:...

In the 90th minute of the PR game, does Israel have a last shot...

By Noam Bedein* Israel's legitimacy as an independent Jewish state is being undermined and threatened like never before, especially in Europe. This became apparent during a short journey to Brussels and a nine-day speaking tour in...

UNRWA Can’t Pay Wages in Financial Crisis

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/174219#.UowA_ycUZiJ On Tuesday the UN announced it will not pay wages next month to thousands of workers in the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) due to a growing financial crisis. The cancellation of wages comes...