News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 3 –9, 2020)

The Gaza Strip remains relatively quiet. In Judea and Samaria a stabbing attack was prevented at the Hashmonaim Crossing (near Modi'in). Throughout Judea and Samaria stones and Molotov cocktails were thrown at civilian Israeli...

Mandate for Palestine: Sovereignty over the Land of Israel

The Mandate for Palestine, a historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere western Palestine, a 10,000- square-miles area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The...

The Palestinian Authority plans to establish a bank to enable it to transfer payments...

The Commander of the IDF's Central Command issued an order on May 9, 2020, banning the provision of banking services in Judea and Samaria to Palestian terrorist prisoners and the families of shaheeds. A...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: 53 years after the 6 day war

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: 53 years after the 6 day war.

Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator

Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator. Kol HaKavod that you continue to publicize "right of return" as the driving issue of UNRWA to wide coverage in the public domain. I...

YouTube Enhances Hatred of Israel and Extinguishes Hate for Palestinians

Try this yourself (you don’t really need to as I just did it). Type in “I hate Israel” and “I hate Palestine” in the YouTube search bar and be amazed by the results. The search...

The Strategic Importance of Jerusalem

Introduction This memorandum analyzes Jerusalem’s importance from a strategic security perspective and its contribution to the survival of the Jewish state. 1  Jewish control of the hilltops in the Jerusalem area has major strategic implications for...

Realizing the gains of the Six Day War

The Existential Danger US Ambassador David Friedman’s recently released comments about the Deal of the Century peace plan (from his February speech at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) were quite a revelation. As one...

Stop Petitions for Israel. Recruit letter writers for israel

This letter is written from the perspective of an  MSW community organizer and investigative journalist, running a think tank and international news agency in Jerusalem for the past thirty three years. Our focus: Reform of UNRWA, which advocates...

The Israel Antiquities Authority Reveals Rare Coin from the Bar-Kochba Revolt Discovered at the...

In Honor of Lag B’Omer The Israel Antiquities Authority Reveals Rare Coin from the Bar-Kochba Revolt Discovered at the Foot of the Temple Mount, north of the City of David The coin, discovered in the course...