Editor’s report: A taxi ride to a Palestinian refugee camp

Several years ago, I was asked by an Israeli journalist to go to the UNWRA Palestinian Refuge camp of Deheishe in Bethlehem (under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority) to snap some photos he...

International Dead Sea Life Photo Competition

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and Israeli photographer Noam Bedein is on a mission to keep the Dead Sea alive. He has opened the first-ever International Dead Sea Life Photo Competition...

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus. That means that The Knesset Lobby for UNRWA reform can now convene,  once again. Volunteers sought to influence donors  to reform UNRWA according...

Seven Threats to Israel And How to Fight Back

1. MURDER ADVOCACY. Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority, has enacted an unprecedented law which provides an automatic gratuity for anyone who murders a Jew. The award goes is...

The Palestinian State Constitution 

In 2004,  shortly before the death of PLO leader Yassir Arafat, the Pope's ambassador in Jerusalem, also known as the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, invited me to his  home on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem to present a document that...

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas Fight COVID-19: the First Month Overview and Initial Insights

The objective of this study is to present an overview and initial insights regarding the preventive measures taken by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas to check the spread of COVID-19 during the first...

Annexation and Sovereignty. Enough with Ideology. Consider Reality

Too often, annexation of territory to Israel is lost in a useless debate between warring ideologies that will never be resolved. Such debates avoid a discussion of reality on the ground where no dispute exists. Take,...

Caricature Issued on March 14, 2020 by the Palestine Information Center which Implicates Israel...

Background of The Palestine Information Center, the media advocate of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Auhority. https://english.palinfo.com/about-us

Keeping Our Cool with Saudi Arabia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In view of Saudi Arabia’s deep concern over Iran’s ascendancy, Israel is presented with a unique opportunity to dictate terms of engagement to the kingdom. It is unwise for Israel to tip...
The Azadi Tower in Tehran, Iran's capital city

Echo of the Holocaust in Iran

Iranian leadership in responding to criticisms of its program to acquire nuclear weapons, sounded much like Hitler when they proclaimed, “Israel must be wiped off the map!” and that the Holocaust is a “myth!”...