Situations Vacant…writes Michael Kuttner

This week has provided yet more proof that in Washington at least the battle against Islamic terror is at best half-hearted and at worst magnificently muddled. Muddled I suspect does not really adequately describe the...

Erdoğan’s Western Enablers

The question is no doubt too late and futile to ask. A quick, but realistic answer, is probably "the Turks themselves," or, related to this, "it was destined to get lost." After all,...
Image of Iranian intercontinental missile taken by Israeli satelite

Anatomy of a Bad Iran Deal: A Preliminary Assessment

The lead editorial of the Washington Post on February 5, 2015, expressed the growing concern in elite circles with the contours of the emerging nuclear accord between Iran and the P5+1 (the U.S., Russia,...

The Mahdi is not coming to Hezbollah’s state

When Iran’s economy was thriving, Iran had only Hezbollah to nurture and spoil. Shiites in Lebanon were enjoying the benefits of the services and aid the Iranian money provided. In addition, the “Resistance” was...

The World War Inside Islam

In the aftermath of America’s invasion of Iraq, Norman Podhoretz, the neoconservative polemicist and editor of Commentary, wrote a long essay arguing that the battle against Islamist extremism amounted to “World War IV.” Podhoretz...

Assad Launches Offensive In South

The Syrian Army has launched a major offensive against U.S.-backed rebels in the south. Opposition sources said the Syrian Army has joined Hizbullah and other Iranian-backed forces for attacks on rebel strongholds in the southern...

The stamp Canada issued

Canada is the only country in the world to do this so far.

Iran Becoming “A Very Successful Regional Power”

Last Friday, Iran-backed Shiite Houthi rebels dissolved Yemen’s parliament and set up a five-member presidential council to form a transitional government to govern Yemen for the next two years. The steps were taken to fill...

What the Murder of Alberto Nisman Tells Us About Iran

Two major events last week having nothing to do directly with American policy nevertheless served to highlight the folly of the Obama administration's approach to Iran. The first was the assassination of Argentinian special prosecutor...

The Rising Insurgency for Sanctions Against Iran

Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” -Otto von Bismarck Bismarck’s statement is eerily familiar with the legislative process described below. Stay with me while I dive deeply into the...