Honoring Liberators and Mahalniks Before It Is Too Late

It is no secret that the eyewitnesses to the Nazi death camps, the Liberators from the U.S. and Allied Armies, are themselves quickly dying off. They did their duty, most having no clue that...

Immoral Equivalency

http://www.maraah-magazine.co.il   Judging the morality or immorality of war according to the number of people killed is not just another passing leftist cliché meant for public consumption, but has become the ultimate litmus test for determining...

An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

ALLAN I. MENDELSOHN WASHINGTON, D.C. August 18, 2014 The Honorable Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General, United Nations 700 United Nations Plaza New York, New York Dear Mr. Secretary General: As one who was a teen ager with nothing but the greatest of hopes...

The IS-Kurdish War

http://www.meforum.org/4796/iraq-isis-kurds-battle "Eighty years ago, they joined three nations together and formed Iraq. This mistake must not be repeated … The solution is a breakup," says General Maghdid Haraki. The Kurdish peshmerga officer is speaking from the...

Debunking UNRWA’s “Palestinian refugee” numbers

In a tour de force expose, SaveTheWest.com contributor Sam Solomon demolishes the myth upon which so much of the United Nations Relief Works Agency’s (UNRWA) “work” is premised: “to carry out direct relief and works...

Crying Need for UNRWA to Come Clean on Gaza

http://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/crying-need-for-unrwa-to-come-clean-on-gaza/ What’s worse than a United Nations agency that provides massive welfare and support services to a Palestinian enclave run by terrorists? Well, how about having that same agency run by a loquacious Swiss national who...

Op-Ed: Hamas’ Dissolution Indispensable for Israel’s Security

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/15626#.VA2l3sKSySo In strategic context, nothing less than a large-scale 'invasion' to finish Hamas off and rid Gaza of a terrorist regime is going to ensure security for Israel. The hard facts speak for themselves: a deeply...

Calls Grow for Probes and Defunding of Terror-linked UN Agencies

http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/item/19093-calls-grow-for-probes-and-defunding-of-terror-linked-un-agencies Outrage is still growing after a bipartisan coalition of U.S. lawmakers last month demanded an independent investigation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a UN outfit, over its controversial activities in...

UNRWA at WAR: An examination of UNRWA statements and actions during the Israeli-Hamas conflict...

June 27 through August 23 ________________________ As UNRWA statements and actions are reviewed, certain factors become readily evident: UNRWA, which has a mandate to function as a humanitarian relief organization, consistently and inappropriately politicizes its positions. That politicization...

Ignoring Real Syrian Refugees to Support Fake Palestinian Ones

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2014/09/04/ignoring-real-syrian-refugees-to-support-fake-palestinian-ones/ I realize it’s been a busy week, what with ISIS beheading journalists, Russia invading Ukraine, and deadliest of all (to quote the inimitable Sultan Knish), Israel threatening to build new houses. But it’s nevertheless...