Lumen accipe et imperti

This Latin motto of my old college, literally translated as “receive the light and pass it on”, is very relevant as we get ready to celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Michael Kuttner As rabbis, communal...

Spotlight on Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

This past week a Palestinian carried out a shooting attack near Ofra (northeast of Ramallah); no casualties were reported. The shooter, a released prisoner, was shot and killed by IDF forces. Palestinians continued throwing rocks...

Challenges to the new government of Israel ,to be sworn in during Chanukah, next...

David Bedein, Bureau Chief   December , 2022 Challenges to the new  government of Israel ,to  be sworn in during Chanukah,  a time which marks the  miracle of Jews who rose up against all odds.   The...

EU envoys boycott Western Wall tour

Ambassadors of four European Union (EU) countries on Friday boycotted a tour to the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque led by Israeli Envoy to the US Gilad Erdan, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported. According to the Western...

Sunday, December 4, Zoom call: Justice for Amiram!

Dear Friends, If you have not registered yet for our next Justice for Amiram! Zoom call – Sunday, December 4 – please do so today. Even if you have not taken part in the previous...

Canadian Military Launched Investigation Into Summer Riots In Judea

In July, riots were perpetrated by masked men in the Hebron region, located in Area C of Judea, an area under Israeli sovereignty. Were these riots perpetrated by Jews? Was the violence orchestrated by...

Palestinian reactions to the double terrorist attack in Jerusalem

On the morning of November 23, 2022, Palestinians carried out a double terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Two IEDs exploded within half an hour of one another, one at the entrance to Jerusalem and the other at...

How Israel lets the Palestinians get free power while taking over land

I have driven down the long, winding road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in the western Binyamin region countless times. It is one of the most beautiful routes in the country. This time, however,...

Terror does not exist in a vacuum you need conditions that facilitate it and...

Terror does not exist in a vacuum you need conditions that facilitate it and this is what we need to deal with.

Time for an Israeli Victory; End 100 Year Rejections against Israel

A famous verse in Ecclesiastes says, "There is a time for everything." Perhaps, this is a time for an Israeli victory to finally end the over 100 years of violent rejectionism against Jewish sovereignty. A war started...