As Arab Terror Recovers, Palestinian Media Returns to Old Form: Encouraging Terror, Israeli Arab...

During the month-long Israeli military (IDF) operation in the West Bank, Yasser Arafat's voice - the Voice of Palestine radio- went silent for several weeks, as the IDF kept the Palestinians off the air. But...

Hen Keinan: “CNN Interview About My Murdered Daughter Turned Into a Show About the...

The parents of the infant Sinai Keinan, who was murdered last week in the terror attack in Petah Tikva, were interviewed last week on CNN, and tearfully told the story of their loss. When they...

Norway’s Real Interest in the Middle East: Oil

Production of oil in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea began on the Ekofisk field in 1971. Now, on the threshold of a new century, Norway holds the position of the world's second...

A Columnist from Haaretz Rationalizes the Murder of “Settlers”. The Title of the Article:...

"Tell me, please, what am I supposed to do now?" the local Palestinian leader from the Bethlehem area asked the western diplomat. They were watching as a huge bulldozer dugs its teeth into the...

Seven Questions to Israeli Government Dysfunctionalism

1. At least 20 offices of the PA continue to function in Jerusalem. The offices function in complete coordination with the PA and with every branch of the PLO, including the "Tanzim". At the...

Secret Middle East Talks in Britain

Israelis and Palestinians have met in Britain to hold their highest-level talks since the failed Taba meetings of January 2001. Key figures in the Northern Ireland peace process were brought in for the first...

The View of UNRWA Refugee Camp Resident in Jordan: Right of Return…

The official Palestinian newspaper of the Palestinian Authority "A-Sabah" in its last internet issue (Mid-May) gives expression to calls by Palestinian refugees in Jordan for the destruction of the state of Israel. Following are excerpts...

Deal with the Refugees Now

Why is it that all of the world's refugees, wherever they are located are dealt with by a single UN Agency - the UN High Commission on Refugees (the "UNHCR") - and the Palestinian...

How Europe’s Media Lost Out

WASHINGTON, May 22 (UPI) -- After the Israeli army launched its retaliatory strike into the Palestinian Authority-ruled West Bank in early April, the international media was filled with reports that the Israelis had possibly...

UNRWA attacks Weeky Standard reporter David Tell… and David Tell responds

In recent weeks the Weekly Standard has published a number of articles concerning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). These have contained a large number of serious inaccuracies and...