The Arab League Summit Closing Statement

The Saudi Plan, as presented by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia contains three elements: "... withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories, recognition of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and...

The Ecological Disaster Posed by the Palestinian Authority

The state of the environment in the Palestinian Authority is perhaps the last subject that interests the Israeli public today, but there are a few things that are worth knowing about our neighbors'...

From Riyadh to Jihad: Perspective on the Arab Summit in Beirut

Saudi Arabia has remained the most consistent opponent of Jewish sovereignty in the middle east, ever since King Saud of Saudi Arabia made that clear to US President Franklin Roosevelt in March, 1945, Since...

Documents Seized at the PLO Orient House Reveal Arafat’s Direct Orders to the Tanzim

Israel has uncovered documents in recent days that irrefutably link Yasser Arafat with acts of terror being committed by the Fatah Tanzeem militia and by other terror organizations. Other documents strongly suggest that Arafat and...

Official PA News Agency Threatens the US with “unpleasant surprises” if the Palestinian Arab...

The issue is not a fragile ceasefire nor is a solid one; the issue is establishing foundations to implement the international legitimacy according to the UN and the Security Council's resolutions, which means that...

Text of Fatah Declaration Concerning Attacks on Civilians

We are to give the efforts, exerted by the USA, the EU, The UN and the latest Barcelona declaration of the European council, a complete chance to succeed in achieving the long yearned settlement...

The Arafat “Condemnation” Scam

This week, Israel State Television (Channel One) and the Voice of Israel (Reshet Bet) fell victim (Wednesday) to a new variation of the "bait and switch" trick played by Yasser Arafat's media machine. Arafat's media...

A Year After An Arab Terrorist Murdered Our Son: Why We Stay in Israel

It feels crazy to live in Israel right now. A few people are leaving. I understand them. It's horrible to live with the violence, and the attendant stress and anxiety. We Israelis are so...

AP: Documents Show that Arafat Remunerates the Killers

Jerusalem (AP) - After seizing Palestinian offices and scouring thousands of papers, Israel says documents show Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat authorized payment to a militant who allegedly had been involved in killing several Israelis. Israel's...

Perspective on Sharon’s Military Victory over the Palestinian Liberation Army

Jews, by their nature and their heritage, cannot bring themselves to say that they have "only" suffered a few hundred losses during a time of war. Jewish tradition has it that murdering even one...