My special connection to Mama Rachel

It all started from the time I was a little girl riding the bus back and forth from my hometown Efrat to Jerusalem and back. The days were pre Oslo Accords and the only...

Why the US really wants a Palestinian consulate in J’lem

The Biden administration is trying to partially undo one of Israel's greatest diplomatic achievements of recent decades – the recognition of Israel's sovereignty over all of Jerusalem by the US, followed by numerous other...
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid at the Knesset, on June 13, 2021. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

Yair Lapid’s foreign-policy follies

(JNS) When Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid received the mandate from then-President Reuven Rivlin to form a government after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was once again unable to form a parliamentary majority, he succeeded...

Movie review; Damascus cover at Netflix

The film, "Damascus Cover" represents a unique venture into the world of Middle East cinema reality, Set as a spy thriller in Syria, with an Israeli agent on a mission for the Mossad. you cannot...

The Forsaken Promise

The Forsaken Promise

Somewhere over the rainbow

As we read in the Torah portion, Noach, the rainbow became a symbol that God would not destroy the world by flood again. These days it has come to represent the kaleidoscope of humanity. For...

Two Arabs who beat rabbi in Jaffa riots handed community service sentences

Two Arabs convicted of beating a rabbi and a yeshiva director in an anti-Semitic attack will not spend any time in jail, but instead have been handed community service sentences of less than one...

Stockholm Syndrome Influences Academics

In 1995, Dr. Assaf David, a political scientist at the Hebrew University, then a soldier in the Israeli army, traveled to reach his military base on a bus in Jerusalem. Near Rene Cassin High...

Mainstream Democrats Introduce Bill Endangering Israel

This is not an "occupation." It is legitimate and entirely lawful self-defense. It would be a lie — a blood libel — for the United States to declare Gaza to be occupied territory. ...

Democrats from the US at war with Israel

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in his victorious campaign against incumbent Elliot Engle, Bowman, blasted Engel for his close relationship with Israel. In May 2021, he called for more restrictions on U.S. aid to Israel  Rep....