UNRWA and the Palestinian Refugees: A History within History

It is difficult to conceive a sustainable, long-lasting solution to the Palestinian–Israeli conflict without examining the refugee issue and identifying a just solution to it for both sides. Over time, and beside its emotional...

PA goes postal – stamping on int’l law

Concerning “Palestinians using postal bank for ‘pay-for-slay’ to avoid Israeli law” (March 24) confirming that PLO terrorists use the postal bank for to pay people for murdering Jews, it must be pointed out that...

Highest Priority: Nullify the PA law that provides automatic salary for anyone who murders...

The issue is not only that the “Palestinian Authority attempts to conceal terrorist stipends” (March 20). The issue is more lethal: The PA has enacted an unprecedented law that provides an automatic salary for...

US aid restored by Biden won’t go to Palestinian terrorists? Wishful thinking

President Ronald Reagan once quipped, “One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it.” Reagan wasn’t referring to the Palestinian Authority, of course. The Ramallah-based rulers of...

‘Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity’ designated as terrorist organization

Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed an order designating "Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity", also known as Samidoun, as a terrorist organization upon the recommendation of the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) and the...

Jerusalem in the snow, File 2. February 2021

Jerusalem in the snow, File 2. February 2021 From: Ben Gottesfeld

Jerusalem in the February, 18 2021 snow, file one

Jerusalem in the February, 18 2021 snow, file one / Photo Credit - Ben Gottesfeld.

The Truth About Financial Aid to the Palestinian Authority

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dramatic letter written by a former terrorist who is running for president of the Palestinian Authority reveals the extent to which the budgets funneled to the PA from Israel and the...

Reaction of the Palestinian Authority to the International Criminal Court (ICC) Decision to Investigate...

Senior Palestinian Authority (PA) figures expressed satisfaction with the majority ruling handed down by a panel of pre-trial ICC judges on February 5, 2021 regarding opening an investigation into the events in "Palestine." According to...


The United Arab Emirates says it does not plan to fund the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, this year as part of a “wiser way of...