Will Hamas terrorists join PA security forces?

Hassan Yousef, a senior Hamas official based in Judea and Samaria, said Tuesday that the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces in Judea and Samaria should include activists from all the Palestinian organizations. The meaning of...

PBC Radio today: Our brothers in Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Gaza, we now all speak...

PBC, the Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Radio Station, represents the official voice of the Palestinian Authority. PBC Broadcast: 29/11/2012 Time: 0845 AM “Today the whole world recognizes the criminality of the occupation, the existence of a Palestinian State....

The PA Summer Camps of War

The school year started yesterday in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and 90,000 pupils went back to school after summer vacation. Many of them spent the vacation in their homes, because of the...

Origins of the Nakba:Mideast Peace Requires Palestinian self-criticism

http://www.haaretz.com/misc/article-print-page/mideast-peace-requires-palestinian-self-criticism-1.360974?trailingPath=2.169%2C2.225%2C2.227%2C ...Initiatives by the extreme left to turn Nakba Day into a joint memorial day for all of Israel's citizens are...doomed. Israel is not a binational state, and with all due liberalism and humanism, it...

Palestinian NGO abandons all credibility: “demonstrations have been entirely peaceful”

Number of Civilian Causalities in the Great March of Return and Breaking Siege in Gaza Strip Increases; 41 Civilians Killed, including 4 Children and Person with Mobility Impairment, and Around 1500 Civilians Wounded, including Dozens of Children...

Beware Palestinian Apartheid: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic...

The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel. The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud...

Results: Abraham Center for Middle East Peace If Pigs Could Fly Polls

http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59616 Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The Israeli media was filled today with the result of the two "If pigs could fly" polls commissioned by the Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Why "if pigs...

Official Palestine Authority Radio News on the PBC’s Voice of Palestine – Dec. 17

Summary and Analysis Beginning Saturday Night, December 16, the Voice of Palestine has reported in detail on the appointment of Colin Powell as U.S. Secretary of State-Designate with a certain amount of concern. VOP has underscored...

Hudna, Hamas and the Continued Armed Struggle

Over the past three weeks, since the death of Yassir Arafat, rumors have been rampant about a major breakthrough with the Islamic Hamas organization. On Friday, December 3rd, 2004, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency went so...

“Can’t Buy Me Love” : The Folly of Woflensohn and Zuckerman and the Green...

When James Wolfensohn and Mort Zuckerman raised $14 million to buy the Gush Katif hothouses from Israeli farmers to give to the Palestinians, many people were surprised. "We thought it was a chance to...