Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the “Clash within a Civilization” No one has ever been able to travel to the Gulf without discovering just how different the perspectives and values of the West and the Middle East can be. During the last two...

Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish Israeli Arab Islamic Movement

IMRA interviewed Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish, leader of the Israeli Arab Islamic Movement, in Hebrew, on October 24th. The entire interview follows: IMRA: You made headlines with the story that Sheik Yassin was ready for...

MEDICINE’S MURDERERS – Aftermath of The Arrest of Seven Doctors in Attempted UK Terror...

THE arrest of seven doctors in the attempted British terror bombings has shocked many people. Sadly, it shouldn't. All seven are Muslims working at government-financed hospitals, their salaries paid by the British taxpayer. Dr. Muhammad...

Boycotters’ fiesta

Fiestas originated in pagan traditions and became celebrated events under Spanish rule. Michael Kuttner It is rather fitting that fiestas have a Spanish flavour because the latest spate of these boycotting phenomena have the same common...

How Israel lets the Palestinians get free power while taking over land

I have driven down the long, winding road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in the western Binyamin region countless times. It is one of the most beautiful routes in the country. This time, however,...

The Condemnation of Terror by Mansour Abbas: Is It Real?

Muhammad Majadla, head of Nas Radio’s news department, Channel 12 commentator, and weekly columnist for Globes, said that “today Ra’am is planning an important speech, they say, by Mansour Abbas in Hebrew and Arabic. On the second evening...

The “Right of Return” The Wild Card of the Middle East Negotiation Process

The 1948 War Continues Israel's 1948 war has not been resolved. The Palestinian Authority and PLO, with the help of the UN, keep that war simmering. How? With the demand to implement the "Right Of...

Thoughts from Norway: Palestinian schools promote war  against Jews

The Norwegian Foreign Minister now has an important issue on her table. It demands great courage, because it involves a change from previous policies. The former Foreign Minister, Børge Brende, last years halted  a...

How Can Israel Please the American Government, Media, and “Experts”? It Can’t media-and-%e2%80%9cexperts%e2%80%9d-it-can%e2%80%99t/ There is a constant effort-especially by the anti-Israel left-to portray those who express mainstream Israeli public opinion and the views of professional analysts as “right-wing” or “Likudnik.” This leads me to wonder what one...

The Death of Yaakov Yaakobov – Killed in Sderot by an Arab Missile –...

An Israeli civilian, the second in a single week, was killed on Wednesday yesterday during an Arab missile attack on Sderot. Yaakov Yaakobov, a 40-year-old resident of this southern Israeli border town who worked at...