A “Kadima USA” Policy Statement – June 5th, 2006

As Prime Minister Ehud Olmert makes his first state visit to the United States, it is time for Jews around the world to firmly support his efforts to set defensible borders for the State...

Is It of Any Concern to the Donor Nations to the Palestinian Authority?

Peace Education Now? While the world media descended on Israel to cover the hard fought Israel prime ministerial election campaign between dovish Labor incumbent Ehud Barak and hawkish Likud challenger Ariel Sharon, the international press...

The PA and the UN allow Hamas to facilitate a TV Station in in...

Almost every media outlet covered the Palestinian elections this week in terms of the rivalry between the Hamas Islamic terror organization and the Fateh, which is also defined by Israeli and American law as...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=1169&sec=1&title=_READ_COMMENTARY_MAGAZINE_ON_NAKBA_DAY:_UN_FORCES_DO_LITTLE_OR_NOTHING_TO_STOP_BREACH_OF_ISRAEL'S_BORDERS Photo of grafiti on wall in Deheishe Palestinian Refugee Camp with map of Palestine that wipes out Israel photo by Rhonda Spivak Nakba Day sign in Ramallah put up by PLO (see bottom of sign).Photo taken...

That Was the Week That Was in the Official Media of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian media highlighted the latest in the negotiations with Israel and preparations for final status negotiations. The lead story concerned the dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Authority over plans by Prime Minister...

Will U.N. Employee’s Online Words About Israel Result in Her Termination?

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2529&sec=3&title=Will_U.N._Employee%E2%80%99s_Online_Words_About_Israel_Result_in_Her_Termination The recent uproar over a note on the Twitter post of a Palestinian woman was not exceptional, or-unfortunately-unusual. But the news photo sent out by Khulood Badawi had two additional elements: First, it was...

Official Palestinian Authority Radio “Voice of Palestine” Dec. 13

Summary and Analysis VOP's morning news bulletins and news-round-ups focused on "criminal" Israeli military attacks, in particularly those leading to deaths of four members of Palestinian security forces in Gaza. (Note: death toll changed throughout...

The Anatomy of Paternalism

In retrospect, the Palestinian Arab rebellion against Israel, also known as the Intifada, has gained wide respectability within Israel itself. At the tenth anniversary of the Intifada, an increasing number of Israelis have developed a...

Arafat’s Heir

Krauthammer neglects say to that the PLO, which Abbas co-founded with Arafat 40 years ago, has yet to repeal the PLO Covenant which mandates that the PLO maintain its state of war with Israel...

Commentary: Can Religion Succeed Where Politics Has Failed? An Israeli Addresses a Global Peace...

Position Paper for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs a. Ultimately, religion defines identity among Jews and Arabs in the Middle East, and is the basic element upon which the Jewish attachment to the Land...