Keep Marwan Barghouti Behind Bars

On this page last week, Yossi Beilin posited that convicted murderer Marwan Barghouti is the one Palestinian leader ready and able to fight Hamas ("Free Marwan Barghouti To Counter Power of Hamas," December 2)....

Why would the PLO attack a Left Wing Kibbutz?

On November 12, 2002, a Fateh terorrist infiltrated the left wing Shomer HaTzair Kibbutz Metzer, which had made a name for itself in the Israeli peace movement and in Arab-Jewish dialogue. The Fatah terrorist murdered...

A Day in Official Palestinian Media

Today, Faisal Al-Husseini, the Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem affairs attacked Israel's municipal elections in Jerusalem, calling Israel's rule anywhere in Jerusalem as "illegal." In addition the PLO's Fatah branch announced that they would be...

The Questions No One Asks The Palestinians aspire to control all the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, not only those holy to Islam, but those holy to Christianity and Judaism as well. They understand that they...

Terror in the North, Nabil Shaath, Accountability for Terror Attack in Jerusalem, Arafat Still...

Funding Terrrorism in Northern Israel? The Attack In the August 11 edition of the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the leading military analyst Zev Schiff noted that the "Hezbollah uses anti-aircraft aimed to explode over Israeli communities and...

Journalist David Bedein on UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees

David Bedein has spent nearly forty years focusing his journalistic efforts on UNRWA, the United Nations arm tasked with the health, welfare, and education of Palestinian refugees. The UN does not try to resettle...

The following UN WATCH release on UNRWA teacher incitement to murder Jews is factual, accurate and informative. 

However, it lacks context:     1. US has frozen US funds for UNRWA education because UNRWA will not change its texts, as US-UNRWA accord of July 2021 has mandated   2. Current UNRWA curriculum prepares its students for  total...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio, March 1-2.V.O.P. Reacts...

Summary & Analysis In its Thursday and Friday broadcasts, V.O.P. has been almost mono-maniacally fixated on Israeli comments portending possible military action inside PA territory. Various PA ministers have-following the lead of Presidential Secretary Ta'ib...


11/26/2007 "The Annapolis Summit Has Begun" Jerusalem - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert arrived in the U.S. yesterday and said that Israel would take a positive view of Syrian participation in the Annapolis conference and negotiations...

Peres to US After His Embrace of J Street and Letter of Assurance: “remaining...

Much of this piece is sourced at: ========================= President of Israel. Shimon Peres flies to meet with US President Obama after the recent Peres embrace of J Street, the organization which tried to get the US...