Israeli Peace Now MK Launches Attack Against Official Palestinian Authority Media

This week, Meretz Knesset member and Peace Now leader Ron Cohen unleashed an unprecedented attack against the Palestinian Authority's PBC (Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio and TV Station, describing PBC broadcasts and telecasts as "subversive...

Where Does the Money Go? A Study of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority: Where Does the Money Go? The following is an examination of how the PA, led by Yasser Arafat, has systemically and systematically used corruption and crime, and diverted funds donated for the...

UNICEF: Why is this Halloween Different from Any Other Halloween?

This year, UNICEF treats you with a new trick against Israel. We all remember UNICEF. That is the agency that provides little boxes for collection on Halloween in order that children around the world should...

How an Innocuous Children Book Award Conference Became a Forum for Israel Bashing

The IBBY Jubilee Congress In Basel: You wouldn't believe it Last week I was honored to represent Israel at the International Congress on Children's Literature that took place in Basel, Switzerland, since my book "The...

“Between Palestine and Hamastine”

"Our situation is firm, we are expecting an upheaval." This was the closing sentence of the latest report sent from Hamas headquarters in the territories to the headquarters in Syria. The strengthening of Hamas...

With Questions to UNICEF

of tomorrow", and elementary school teachers and principals commend their young students for wanting to 'tear their Zionist bodies into little pieces and cause them more pain than they will ever know'¹... "....

Israel’s War for Standing in the Media

"They may have won all the battles. We had all the good songs" Tom Lehrer, That Was The Year That Was - 1966. "When you promote our cause, never say that it is a military struggle...

WAKF: Israel Will Be Responsible for the Collapse of the Temple Mount

The Director of the Moslem Wakf administration on the Temple Mount, Adnan el-Husseini, warned on Monday of the danger of the collapse of the Temple Mount. This, he said, is after Israel stopped the...

Palestinian and European Journalists Discuss Palestinian Arab media image

Palestinian and European journalists agreed that the September 11 events constituted an important chapter in the media war between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Several European journalists expressed the belief that Israel won the media...

PA Democracy in Action: Palestine Legislative Council Meets… And PA Security Services Round Up...

A side show to the middle east international news attention this week that was focused on Saddam Hussein was provided at the meeting of the Palestinian Legislative Council at the private office compound of...