Arafat makes poison gas accusation aganst Israel

President Arafat at the Ministerial Meeting of OIC; Israel uses depleted uranium, poison gases and radioactive material in war to exterminate the Palestinians; no compromise on return of refugees their homes President Arafat addressing the...

Historical Approach to the Issue of Legality of Jewish Settlement Activity

...The Jewish right of settlement in the West Bank is conferred by the same provisions of the Mandate under which Jews settled in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem before the State of Israel was...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

Official Palestine News Agency: Israel poisons Palestinian candies

The Head of the Emergency Ward in Alshifa Hospital in Gaza, stated that it seems to be that Israel has started a new genocide against the Palestinian people by poisoning them, using poisoned candy...

Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...

Peace Will not be Achieved While the Palestinian Refugees are Denied eir right of...

Gaza 15th May 2001 Wafa- (Official Palestine News Agency) President Yasser Arafat said today in a televised speech broadcasted by all Palestinian medias on the 53rd anniversary of Alnakba that the Israeli military force escalation...

The Mitchell Report: “Balanced and Fair?”

In late October, 2000, US president Clinton appointed an international investigation commission to investigate the causes of the rioting in Israel, naming an Arab American and former US Senator, George Mitchell, as its chairman,...

The Continuing Cooperative Relationship

More often than not, when you hear a news report of an Arab terror attack in Israel, the news reporter will say that this attack was the result of Islamic extremists, whether they are...

When the EU Facilitates Israeli Organizations in Support of the Oslo Process

The Middle East peace process initiated with the Oslo Accords has attracted many supporters of which the European Union is pre-eminent, with a financial aid program from the EU and the European Investment Bank...

The Former Israeli Peace Camp: Trouble Coping with Reality

Amos Asael, veteran left wing columnist for the Jerusalem Post, was asked, shortly after the Israeli election in February, as to whether he would define himself as a "former peace activist". Amos retorted that he...