Israel Desecrates the Quran

JERUSALEM--June 8, 2005-- Voice of Palestine radio offered great air time Wednesday morning to charges that Israeli jailers in the Megiddo Prison had deliberately desecrated three copies of the Quran, Islam's scripture, by throwing...

Has the Israeli human rights community abandoned human rights in favor of political expediency?

A commitment to human rights and civil liberties includes an inherent even if unwritten oath to uphold the principles of human dignity, regardless of any political or ethnic considerations. For example, in 1992, in the...

Sharon’s Target is Arafat, not Hamas

The developments over the past two weeks have made it very clear that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is not fighting a war against Hamas, but one against Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. On the face...

The “right of return”, which is euphemism for destroying Israel, is taught as an... Students of the Badil course organized an open-air exhibit at al-Quds University titled "The Right of Return: Not for Sale" (22-23 March 2009) <!-- Image credits -->Badil Intent on introducing Palestine's future legal cadre to a rights-based...

US AID should place conditions on it’s donation to the Palestinians The Jerusalem Post reported in its August 18 edition that the US and the Palestinian Authority signed a $148 million economic aid agreement. Our agency asked PA officials where the money was going. The answer: education,...

Why the PA Textbooks Remain a Secret to the Israeli Public

The school system of the nascent Palestinian Authority, established in the wake of the Oslo peace process, has fostered the first curriculum since Nazi Germany to train children in the art of war against...

Palestinians ‘will get what they need’ without US aid, analysts say

Sitting beside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Donald Trump made it clear on Thursday that the US will withhold aid money from the...

Muhammad and Meira begin first grade

I work with a senior Palestinian TV journalist, Mustafa, who, like me, hits fifty this month and, like me, has a child, Muhammad, who begins first grade this week. My Meira, also six, is excited...

Text: Insultingly silly Palestinian NGO statement against death of 17 year old Palestinian who... Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Sometimes there are events that are not clear cut. But in this case a 17 year old pointed a gun at an Israeli soldier's head at a checkpoint. There wasn't much of...

“Easing the Palestine’s Humanitarian Crisis”

A consensus has emerged in the Middle East, among people of otherwise widely divergent views, on one point: something must be done for ordinary families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They face...