The Fatah Conference in August: An Opportunity Missed

Fatah - which defines itself as a nationalist movement - is the dominant force within both the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the PA. There is no way to understand the possibilities for resolution of...

Not Stealing Palestine but Purchasing Israel Zionists stole Palestinian land: that's the mantra both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas teach their children and propagate in their media. This claim has vast importance, as Palestinian Media Watch explains: "Presenting the creation...

As Arab Terror Recovers, Palestinian Media Returns to Old Form: Encouraging Terror, Israeli Arab...

During the month-long Israeli military (IDF) operation in the West Bank, Yasser Arafat's voice - the Voice of Palestine radio- went silent for several weeks, as the IDF kept the Palestinians off the air. But...

Joint Statement of Israeli Peace Now and PLO

NO TO BLOODSHED, NO TO OCCUPATION YES TO NEGOTIATIONS, YES TO PEACE We, the undersigned Israelis and Palestinians, are meeting in the most difficult of circumstances for both our peoples. We come together to call for...

Reining in Abbas: How America Should Punish the Palestinian Leader america-should-punish-the-palestinian-lead-6028 A new budget battle is brewing between the Republican-led Congress and the Obama White House. This time it’s not about trimming domestic spending. It’s about the $600 million in annual financial assistance the United...

“Myths, Lies and Arafat Videotapes on Capitol Hill”

On September 20, 1995, I was in attendance at the House International Relations Committee hearing that took place on Capitol Hill. As the press liaison for the Institute for Peace Education, LTD, I was...

Official PA Radio News

Summary and Analysis VOP continues to lead its news shows with details of martyrs' deaths, funeral times and graphic descriptions of those wounded. The second area of concentration is the diplomatic front: efforts By Yasser...

Sacrifice of Israel’s Settlements?

When the PLO states that Israel must remove itself from "all occupied territories", few people question what exactly do they mean by "all occupied territories" - the general concept being that they want Israel...

Higher Education & Tolerance as Promoted by our Intended “Peace” Partners”¦writes Michael Kuttner A vital prerequisite for any meaningful and durable peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbours is a sustained effort to eliminate hate and delegitimisation, refrain from revisionist versions of history and educate present...

Sharon’s Top Advisor Represents “Business Interests” of the Palestinian Authority

One of the Biggest Questions of the New Year Focuses Around the Question: What Would Motivate Ariel Sharon to Conduct His Current Policy with the Palestinian Authority? The Answer: Business Interests. The man who has been the...