PLO Takes Credit for Murdering an Israeli Judge

The spokesman for the mainstream organization of the PLO, the Fateh, confirmed that the Fateh indeed takes responsibility for last week's murder of Tel Aviv District Court Judge Adi Azar, the same judge who...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: October 9, 2007 "Speechless?" Not quite. It takes a lot to render me speechless. But the events of the last few days push me in that direction. The foolishness, the essential errors in thinking, the...

How an Innocuous Children Book Award Conference Became a Forum for Israel Bashing

The IBBY Jubilee Congress In Basel: You wouldn't believe it Last week I was honored to represent Israel at the International Congress on Children's Literature that took place in Basel, Switzerland, since my book "The...

What’s Really Happening in Gaza; What’s Really Not Happening in the West Bank Elsewhere, I have explained in great detail the changes in Israeli policy as well as the implications of Western policy in the Gaza Strip: economic normalization meaning also normalization of the existence of a...

BDS IN THE PEWS: European, US, and Canadian Government Funding Behind Anti-Israel Activism in... canadian_government_funding_behind_anti_israel_activism_in_mainline_churches Since the 2001 NGO Forum at the UN’s Durban Conference, boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) aimed at Israel have developed as a key issue in mainline Christian denominations in the United States, Europe, Canada,...

The Sharon Plan: Not Disengagement – PLO Empowerment

The Sharon Plan, often described as the "disengagement" process, has become one of the most hotly debated news items in Israel. What is most newsworthy, given the charged emotions that this debate has created, is...

David Bedein in Canadian media discussing UNRWA reform OTTAWA - There are new accusations that the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is inciting Palestinian militancy. “The Palestinian curriculum taught at UNRWA schools is not a curriculum of peace,” said Dr. Arnon Groiss...

Genesis of an Anti-Semitic State

Imagine, if you would, that a nascent nation state, somewhere in the world, was in formation that had taken on these features: * Its new constitution would not allow for any juridical status for Judaism....

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

UNRWA and the Palestinian Refugees: A History within History

It is difficult to conceive a sustainable, long-lasting solution to the Palestinian–Israeli conflict without examining the refugee issue and identifying a just solution to it for both sides. Over time, and beside its emotional...