To the attention of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry The following excerpt, stated in June 1979, is sadly still relevant 34 years later: “A corollary of the inalienable right of the Jewish people to its Land is the right to live in any part...

Gaza Regime once again fires phosphorus-containing 120-mm mortar shells

One of the phosphorus mortar shells located in Israeli territory (Eshkol Regional Council PR department) Overview 1. On November 19, a phosphorus-containing mortar shell was fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. It was part of an...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any... Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the Israeli -Palestinian conflict. Now after...

Incitement: The Missing Element in the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum*

The agreement signed between Israel and the PLO on Sept. 4th, 1999 was different in one significant way from the Oslo accords that were reached in August, 1993 and the Wye Accords that were...

Keep Marwan Barghouti Behind Bars

On this page last week, Yossi Beilin posited that convicted murderer Marwan Barghouti is the one Palestinian leader ready and able to fight Hamas ("Free Marwan Barghouti To Counter Power of Hamas," December 2)....

Anatomy of US Embassy Response to Official PA Policy

Preface Throughout the day on Thursday, January 29th, 2004, the PLO's mainstream Fateh celebrated the fact that it had taken credit for murdering a dozen Jews and maiming another 40 Jews in Jerusalem. As the...

Our World: The West’s proxy war against the Jews

By focusing attention on Israel and its crimes, Europeans, American admirers ignore Islamic war against Israel, global jihad. It was a stunning moment of moral clarity. As the South Vietnamese refugees clambered onto rickety boats in the...

Settlers Accuse Media of Waging ‘Psychological War’ to Weaken Resolve

Israelis living in the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Gush Katif say Israel's "left-wing" media is waging a psychological war against them to weaken their resolve so they'll give up their homes. Israeli Prime Minister...


When the core of your enemy’s doctrine and religion calls for your subjugation and/or annihilation, it makes achieving co-existence improbable. This is the insurmountable problem in a decades-long peace “process.” Islam teaches that they are...

The Process: 1,100 Days That Changed the Middle East

Reviewed by David Bedein, Media Research Analyst and Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency, Jerusalem, Israel. The 1993 Middle East negotiations came to be known as the Oslo process, because of secret talks held in the Norwegian...