About The Author

Dr. Alex Grobman is a Hebrew University trained historian. His is the author of a number of books, including Nations United: How The U.N. Undermines Israel and The West, Denying History: Who Says The Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It? and a forthcoming book on Israel's moral and legal right to exist as a Jewish State.

Abbas is not the problem

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' outrageous remarks about Jews may have rocked the world, but they also exposed the international community's disinterest in the positions held by Abbas and the Palestinians in general. In...

Peres and Melchior allow the EU funding to PA education to Resume… WHY??

The donor nations to the Palestinian Authority educational system had egg on their face last summer, when our investigative research showed that the consuls of Italy, Holland, Belgium, Finland and Ireland, had financed new...

Once again, the Jewish question

http://www.nationalpost.com/news/Once+again+Jewish+question/5122436/story.html If money could buy peace, this would be a golden era for Middle East peacemaking. Notwithstanding activists' much-hyped "boycott, divestment and sanctions" campaign, Israel's economy is booming: Growth last year was 4.5% (despite a...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3-4

Special Item - PA Announcement - Saturday Night, February 3, 2001 9:10 p.m. "An official spokesman for the Ministry of Information announced that what has been published in the newspapers and in the media regarding...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: August 2, 2007 "Hot Air" It's hot air, all right. Foul hot air, but air none the less. Consider all of the following: Abbas, who cannot get his act together and couldn't run a nation if...

Poll No. 78, Dec. 2012 – Gaza, Resistance and the UN Bid

http://www.jmcc.org/documentsandmaps.aspx?id=858 Summary: Two weeks after the end of the war, a public opinion poll conducted by the JMCC, with support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung East Jerusalem, aimed at studying the impact of the Gaza war and the...

Israeli Security Force Operation in Jenin and the Jenin Refugee Camp Review and Summary

Shortly before 2 a.m. on July 5, 2023, the Israeli security force operation in Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp ended; it had lasted for 48 hours. It was broadest Israeli security force...

Yossi Beilin: PA must give deadline to Hamas to disarm, trade only bodies for...

In a live interview broadcast on the 7 AM morning news hour program on Israel Radio Reshet Bet today, Yossi Beilin said that it is critical that there be a single armed force of...

Another Jewish father killed, another Arab murderer paid to slay

Yehuda Dimentman, a 25 year old Jew, married and the father of an infant, was murdered in a drive by shooting on Thursday evening, December 16th, 2021. In accordance with a Palestinian ordinance, anyone who...