An Inversion of Morality From day one of its existence, the sole raison d'etre of the Hamas quasi-state in Gaza has been to kill Jews, the more the merrier. Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas has...

Ras el Amud: Analysis

Who would have imagined, even a few months ago, that three Jewish families moving near one of the great Jewish holy spots in Jerusalem, into homes that have been owned by Jews since 1902,...

Inside “Machsom Watch” – With One of its Members:

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations, now editing the Winnipeg Jewish Report at Former Winnipegger and Israeli citizen, Ronee Yaeger, is a founder...

Witness to a the press conference in Nicosia: A Slow Boat to Gaza

On Monday, a movement known as held a press conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, in which a group of 40 people from around the world announced that they would board two small boats to...

A Diary of Insight in Middle East Reporting

Posting: April 17, 2008 "Carter's Destruction" Today is the day that Jimmy Carter -in defiance of requests from several quarters that he not do so-is going to be meeting with officials from Hamas. To achieve peace,...

From Riyadh to Jihad: Perspective on the Arab Summit in Beirut

Saudi Arabia has remained the most consistent opponent of Jewish sovereignty in the middle east, ever since King Saud of Saudi Arabia made that clear to US President Franklin Roosevelt in March, 1945, Since...

Palestinian Anti-Semitism

When General Ghazi Jabali, commander of the Palestinian police, heard about the arrest warrant issued against him by Israel, he said: "This reminds me of Goebbels' methods". The comparison is not surprising if one...

Video Games and Cigarettes: Syria’s Disneyland for Jihadists Atmeh looks like the set for a movie about al-Qaida. New arrivals pulling suitcases on wheels search for their emirs, Africans and Asians can be seen on the village streets, and long-haired men dressed...

Commentary: The Saudi Plan and more

I would like to return to the entire issue of the Saudi peace plan and whatever negotiations Israel may or may not have with the Palestinians or with Abbas in particular. Let me begin by...