The Truth About Financial Aid to the Palestinian Authority

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dramatic letter written by a former terrorist who is running for president of the Palestinian Authority reveals the extent to which the budgets funneled to the PA from Israel and the...

The origins of Palestinian hatred

THE TRAIL OF blood left by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip is another chapter of the Palestin- ian cruelty and brutality that was born over 100 years ago. There have been several inflection points along the way that we...

Refusal to Recognize Israel Widespread on Palestinian TV

A report documenting hundreds of cases in which the Palestinian media broadcast messages indicating an unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel, even within the 1948 borders, was distributed yesterday by the Palestinian Media...

Mahmoud Abbas’s Demands: A Decree of Israel’s Surrender

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The demands issued by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas show a clear intention to turn the clock back. Israel cannot accept these dictates, which would have been rejected out of hand by Yitzhak...

Yasser Arafat and Hamas: the Cooperation Has Deepened

The cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas and Jihad, was not limited to the maintenance of a dialogue between them. The Israeli security establishment knows about dozens of Hamas activists who have...

Chairman of US House Task Force on Terrorism Calls for Inquiry of UNRWA

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Eric Cantor, Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, today released a policy paper on the recent controversy surrounding the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA)....

Indyk and the myth of PLO’s cancelled covenant Martin Indyk, is now the mediator between Israel and the PLO in negotiations that have continued in deadlock for the past six months Indyk’s record with the PLO should be examined. Indyk is the one of...

Is There a Potential Conflict of Interests between Shimon Peres and the Operations and...

At a time when Shimon Peres is once again mentioned as a candidate to return to a senior position in the Israeli government, the time has come for the Ethics Committee of the Knesset...

With Questions to UNICEF

of tomorrow", and elementary school teachers and principals commend their young students for wanting to 'tear their Zionist bodies into little pieces and cause them more pain than they will ever know'¹... "....

USAID Releases $2 Million for Women Entrepreneurs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 18 January 2005 Press Office: 03 511 4846 Email: < a> Ramallah, West Bank - The American government is releasing $2 million to the "Palestine for Credit & Development" organization, FATEN, to support micro-finance activities...