UN to discuss UNWRA’s definition of Palestinian refugees

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=17579 The United Nations is scheduled on Monday to discuss revisions to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. The discussion will focus, among other things, on an initiative...


For years, America, Britain and the EU have insisted that Mahmoud Abbas is a moderate and a statesman-in-waiting who deserves to be rewarded with a state of Palestine. For years, they have insisted that...

When Body Bags of Children Are Loaded On To Ambulances

A few hours before the June 11th Arab terror attack which blew up a civilian bus in downtown Jerusalem, five minutes from my office window, the Islamic Movement of Israel called a press conference...

Palestinians Dismiss Prisoner Release as a “Bribe”

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3917/palestinians-prisoner-release The argument that the release of Palestinian prisoners boosts the standing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and "moderate" Palestinians and facilitates the resumption of peace talks with Israel is not necessarily true. Many Palestinians...

Kerry’s Antagonism Unmasked

http://besacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/perspectives218.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: John Kerry has abandoned America’s honest broker stance in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. His warnings about the coming isolation of Israel and of a third Intifada - unless Israel quickly allows the emergence of...

An Update on the Legality of Jewish Settlement Activity

A report was presented on February 21st, 2006 by "Bitselem" which claims that Israel's policies of settling Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, in areas that came under Israel's control after the 1967...

Beware Palestinian Apartheid: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic...

The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel. The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud...

Racism, Genocide and Politicide in Syrian Textbooks

Introduction To use the term "anti-Semitism" would be understating the degree of hostility displayed in Syrian school textbooks towards Jews and Israel. Professor Bernard Lewis defines anti-Semitism as an unprecedented degree of hatred which is...

What’s Really Happening in Gaza; What’s Really Not Happening in the West Bank

http://www.gloria-center.org/blog/2010/06/bit-more-on-gaza-strip-diplomacy Elsewhere, I have explained in great detail the changes in Israeli policy as well as the implications of Western policy in the Gaza Strip: economic normalization meaning also normalization of the existence of a...

Inside “Machsom Watch” – With One of its Members:

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations, now editing the Winnipeg Jewish Report at http://winnipegjewishreport.com/ Former Winnipegger and Israeli citizen, Ronee Yaeger, is a founder...