“The refugees from the 1948 war are now our responsibility .

In March 1968, less than a year after the Six Day War, Rabbi Eugene Weiner addressed my senior high school class at Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia, Pa. about a moral implication of that...

Commentary: Teddy Kollek, Rumors, and more

Teddy Kollek, whose name was synonymous with Jerusalem for over 25 years, died on Tuesday at 95; he was laid to rest today in the Mount Herzl cemetery. Jerusalem's mayor from 1965 to 1993,...

No longer a journalist’s paradise

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=249682 Hebrew-language journalism in Israel is robust, comprehensive and often-courageous, but it has several flaws that ought to be brought to light if only to stimulate self-criticism and if possible, improvement. One of them is the...

Geneva Sellout

On Monday, an agreement will be signed by Israelis and Palestinians. This "Geneva accord" has gotten much attention. And the signing itself will be greeted with much hoopla. Journalists are being flown in from around...

Who is a Refugee?

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/03/who_is_a_refugee.html As the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks stagger toward their likely collapse, it is worth scrutinizing the most intractable issue: the claimed right of return for Palestinian refugees to their abandoned homeland in what is now...

PA Democracy in Action: Palestine Legislative Council Meets… And PA Security Services Round Up...

A side show to the middle east international news attention this week that was focused on Saddam Hussein was provided at the meeting of the Palestinian Legislative Council at the private office compound of...

Concerning Olmert’s embrace of Abbas, as reported in the JPost ” Abbas is...

"Abbas is Israel's best negotiating partner" https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Olmert-Abbas-is-Israels-best-negotiating-partner-617306 Olmert should be asked three questions. 1. What is his reaction to the unprecedented law that Abbas legislated which provides an automatic award for life for anyone who murders a...

Palestinians Blackmail Washington over True Refugee Numbers

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/06/05/Palestinians-Blackmail-Washington The Palestinians are blackmailing Washington, claiming that a new amendment to a bill before Congress would prevent them from making a peace deal with Israel. The amendment calls for a true accounting of how...

A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

The Unreported Story

Introduction 16 days after the Iranian revolution of 1979 Yasser Arafat was the first foreign leader who visited Ayatollah Khomeini. This was a historic visit for many reasons. Ayatollah Khomeini gave the PLO its own...