Palestinian foreign minister: We will never recognize Jewish character of Israel Paris, Asharq Al-Awsat-Unsurprisingly, the latest round of talks between Israel and Palestine has been no less difficult than previous ones, with US Secretary of State John Kerry warning shortly before the talks began last...

The European Union “” Hypocrisy, Hostility and Blatant Prejudice Vol. 13, No. 21 18 July 2013 The publication of guidelines by the European Commission on the eligibility of Israeli entities for EU cooperation is the culmination of a concerted policy initiative led by the...

PHRMG: Does Abbas have the Right to Execute his People?

Press Release February 17, 2005 Does Abbas have the Right to Execute his People? On Monday, February 14, 2005, Sakher Bseso, the governor of Gaza, announced that President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has transferred 51 civil and...

PA Holds Diplomatic Event In Jerusalem: Norwegians Deny Meeting With Senior Officials Last Monday, Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Store held official diplomatic talks with Palestinian Authority minister for Jerusalem Ahmed A-Rawidi and Rafik Husseini, chief of staff to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, on the Mount...

The Gaza Narrative: From Delegitimization to Antisemitism &title=The_Gaza_Narrative:_From_Delegitimization_to_Antisemitism Tucked away in a small building off the main street of Sderot, Israel, and just a few blocks from the Sderot Police Station and their infamous Rocket Museum, lies the home of the Sderot...

Forensics report gives clues to identity of Sinai attackers The initial forensic report on the bodies of the Rafah checkpoint attackers suggests that the perpetrators were wearing military uniforms made in Nablus, Palestine at the time of the attack. Five bodies were 99 percent...

The Continuing Cooperative Relationship

More often than not, when you hear a news report of an Arab terror attack in Israel, the news reporter will say that this attack was the result of Islamic extremists, whether they are...

The Palestinian Authority plans to establish a bank to enable it to transfer payments...

The Commander of the IDF's Central Command issued an order on May 9, 2020, banning the provision of banking services in Judea and Samaria to Palestian terrorist prisoners and the families of shaheeds. A...

DECLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE REPORT: Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas... The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 8, 2011 The Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed in Israel. It promotes the demand of the Palestinian refugees...

The International Solidarity Movement (The ISM) and its Terror Connection

"Friends," begins the web site of ISM, an international movement that works against Israel in the territories. "Friends, it's great that you will be coming to join us in nonviolent, direct-action resistance to the...