As more WikiLeaks documents are leaked to the media, the feeling grows that the American administration has abandoned its friends around the Middle East. Documents show clearly that most leaders of Arab countries have pleaded...

Incisive Commentary

December 6, 2007 "Stumbling Blocks" Here we have, as if they were needed, more reasons why negotiating with the PA is impossible: The Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council has passed a law (first reading) saying that any concession...

Our World: The West’s proxy war against the Jews

By focusing attention on Israel and its crimes, Europeans, American admirers ignore Islamic war against Israel, global jihad. It was a stunning moment of moral clarity. As the South Vietnamese refugees clambered onto rickety boats in the...

J Street Comes to Jerusalem: Anti-Israel, not Pro-Peace

J Street has dispatched a delegation this week to Jerusalem, to meet with Israeli officials, presenting itself as a “pro-Israel”and “pro peace”. The reality is that J Street plays a critical role as part and...

Hamas got rich as Gaza was plunged into poverty

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4543634,00.html While the fighting is only expected to worsen the distress of the residents of Gaza, the Strip's economic outlook for the Strip was never good. The unemployment rate in Gaza stood at approximately 40%...

Israel – The American Interest

The question of whether Israel is or is not an asset to the United States is one we rarely bother to ask ourselves. Time and again, we see prominent Americans -- presidents of the...

The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed

http://jcpa.org/article/the-role-iranian-security-forces-syrian-bloodshed-2/ Amid the intensifying crisis in Syria, which in recent weeks has seen massacres of the civilian population in various parts of the country, Iranian military, propaganda, and economic assistance keeps flowing in, and its...

Our World: Tzipi Livni and us

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is an interesting case study in how a public image can trump professional competence in Israeli politics. Livni was brought into politics by then prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1999. The...

Will the Rebels Win Syria’s Civil War and What That Means

http://www.gloria-center.org/2012/07/will-the-rebels-win-syria%E2%80%99s-civil-war-and-what-that-means/?utm The tide seems to be turning in Syria. While the civil war is far from over, the regime is clearly weakening; the rebels are expanding their operations and effectiveness. There have also been more...

Is Spying For A Democratic Ally The Same As Spying For A Totalitarian Regime?

Imagine it is 1940, and Great Britain is fighting Hitler's Nazi Germany almost alone. Imagine further that an American who loved both America and England and hated the Nazis worked in American Intelligence and...