The Palestinian “Temporary Cease-Fire”: A Definition of Terms

The election of Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen)...has brought about a change in the Palestinian Authority's policy on continuing the "armed intifada." At the same time, the paramount interest of Hamas and Islamic Jihad is...

Commentary: The Saudi Plan and more

I would like to return to the entire issue of the Saudi peace plan and whatever negotiations Israel may or may not have with the Palestinians or with Abbas in particular. Let me begin by...


July 1, 2010 Tally Helfont is an FPRI research fellow. Her research focuses on Middle East-related issues and radical Islamic movements. She also instructs training courses on behalf of K3 Enterprises in Civil Information Management to U.S. Military Civil...

For Middle East Peace, Look to Israel’s Arab Partners

Speculation is rife that President Barack Obama will make one final stab at putting his mark on the Middle East peace process before he leaves office. One theory has the administration supporting a United Nations...

The Jordan Valley: Israel’s security belt U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is once again in town trying to reach a framework agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. One of the issues of dispute is the fate of the...

Middle East Myths Metastasize, Iran War Hysteria Rages Onward Much written and said about the Middle East has always been fantasy. But nowadays the proportion of fantasy to reality is higher than ever. And number one on that list is the war hysteria...

As Its Middle East Policy Crumbles, The Obama Administration’s Defense: It’s Not a Revolution,... So now we have the answer of the “best and the brightest” expressed in the most explicit terms by American leaders and the mass media. The problem in the Middle East is not mass revolutionary...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 23

Summary and Analysis Minister of Information Yasser Abd-Rabbo led off the morning new show as the featured morning interviewee on VOP, underscoring a very pessimistic view of the state of the talks with Israel. Abd-Rabbo...

Egypt after Morsi: The Defeat of Political Islam? Vol. 13, No. 19 12 July 2013 The Muslim Brotherhood’s 80-year dream to take over Egypt ended in a fiasco, barely one year after one of its own was democratically elected to the office of...

Mordechai Kedar -A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of Thousands of... The Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (under formation) Bar-Ilan University Middle Eastern Insights No. 13, 2 December, 2011 Who Kills the Syrians? A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of Thousands of...