U.S. aid to Palestinians in jeopardy over Hamas link

http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20110712/NEWS02/707129860 American aid to the Palestinians is in jeopardy over their ties to the terrorist group Hamas, unwillingness to restart negotiations with Israel and push for statehood at the United Nations over U.S. resistance, congressional...

The corruption at the head of Hamas

http://www.globes.co.il/en/article-the-corrution-at-the-head-of-hamas-1000956048 1.8 million people live in the Gaza Strip, most of them refugees. They endure an unemployment rate that reaches 40%, shameful poverty, rock bottom wages, and, to top it all, an apparently corrupt regime,...

UNRWA Director Peter Hansen Opposes Solving Palestinian Refugee Problem

Full Text: UNRWA feels the pinch of the siege The United Nations Relief and Works Agency has for the past 51 years afforded support for the Palestinian people, moving its headquarters from Geneva to Gaza...

Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? Neither: It is a Rational...

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/10/is-iran-lunatic-state-or-rational-actor.html The United States now estimates it will take one year for Iran to get nuclear weapons; Israel says some months. Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? It is neither; it is a...

Arafat’s Corruption: the Source of Palestinian Suffering?

According to surveys by the research center of the Israeli Yad Tabenkin, the West Bank per capita gross domestic product (GDP) before the Oslo accord in 1993 was approximately $3,500, and in Gaza, about...

Palestinian Constitution Calls for Islamic State, Report Says

Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - The new Palestinian Constitution calls for a state under Islamic law and not a democratic state with human rights or civil liberties, according to a report in an Israeli newspaper. The constitution...

Deplorable Diplomacy and Duplicitous Diplomats

Well, it was unlikely that Rice, who was just here, would have readily walked away without further concessions from Israel for the sake of the "peace process." Some concessions, of some sort, from our...

The West’s Hubris: Is the Price of the Iraq War a Nuclear Iran?

http://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/wests-hubris-price-iraq-war-nuclear-iran/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wests-hubris-price-iraq-war-nuclear-iran EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2003 Iraq War significantly reduced the West’s willingness to confront Iran with the credible military threat required to halt its nuclear weapons program. Critics of the Iraq War were correct to...

Obama Again Predicts Direct Israel-Palestinian Talks, Is He Wrong Again?

http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/07/obama-again-predicts-direct-israel-palestinian-talks We depend on your contributions. To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card, click the Donate button in the upper-right hand corner of this page. To donate via check, make it...

Another Step Forward in the Saudi Nuclear Program

The Tel Aviv based Institute of National Security Studies issued a report which confirmed Riyad is working on the bomb. That report can be found at: https://www.inss.org.il/publication/saudi-nuclear-plan/