U.S. Builds Israeli Military Bunker

http://www.menewsline.com The United States has launched a project to build a massive bunker for Israel's military. The Defense Department has awarded a U.S. company a contract to build a bunker for Israel's military. The Pentagon awarded...

UNESCO, PLO Recognize Jerusalem As An Arab Capital

Contrary to a common assumption that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its administrative arm, the Palestinian Authority (PA), demand "East Jerusalem" as a future capital for a nation state of Palestine, they actually...

Where is the Issue of Education for Peace in the Olmert-Rice-Abbas Initiative?

When former U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross sought to understand the failure of the Oslo peace process of the 1990s, in which he was an active participant, he zeroed in on the need to bring...

Netanyahu Again Offers the Golan Heights to Syria?

http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2012/10/netanyahu-again-offers-the-golan-heights-to-syria Shimon Shiffer reports in Yedioth Ahronoth that in secret talks in 2010 via U.S. government mediator Frederic C. Hof, Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed in principle to a full withdrawal from the Golan...

Al Qaida Shatters U.S. Victory Claim

Leading U.S. analysts, including former military commanders, acknowledged that Al Qaida defied the assessment of the intelligence community and President Barack Obama. In early 2013, Obama announced that AlQaida was declining and a shadow...


Rhonda Spivak, attorney, writer, and member of Canadian & Israel Bar Associations. BETHLEHEM- Although many Palestinians in the West Bank say they are interested in "peace," the vast majority of those encountered on a recent...

Israel and the European Union: A Change in Tone? INSS

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=5873 As expected, the government of Israel’s decision to issue a tender for construction of 1,000 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem elicited a response from Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative...

The Ayatollahs allowed Drug traffic as a Weapon Against Israel

The special religious edict to distribute hard drugs as an ideological weapon in the war against Israel and the west probably originated in Iran. The Goal: to destabilize society and hit the youth. According...

Israel Ignores Threats and Resumes Flights over Lebanon

Although the Israeli security establishment is disturbed by the threatening voices that are being heard in France, security sources said Wednesday: "We will continue to fly over the skies of Lebanon." Security establishment officials...

Iran has renewed funding to a Palestinian militia

Palestinian sources said Iran has resumed funding to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, with offices in Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They said Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps...