Amb Prosor addresses UNGA debate on “The Question of Palestine” -+statements/Amb_Prosor_addresses_UNGA_29-Nov-2011.htm Mr. President, A great Jewish sage once wrote, "The truth can hurt like a thorn, at first; but in the end it blossoms like a rose." His words came to my mind today. His insight could...

Palestinian Security Forces: So Far So Bad

Four years ago, following the September 1996 opening of the Hasmonean Tunnel in Jerusalem, Palestinians policemen and Israeli soldiers exchanged heavy fire throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip leaving 69 Palestinians and 14...

The Middle Eastern Cold War

There are many cracks in the Arab Street.

A cold war is "the key to understanding the Middle East in the 21st century." So argue Yigal Carmon and three of his colleagues at the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) in a recent study, "An Escalating Regional Cold War."They have identified a major confrontation that the media has somehow missed - and which is the more important for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's just having been re-designated as president of Iran.

Why terrorists from Yemen are trying to bomb synagogues in Chicago?

Friday afternoon, international authorities announced that they intercepted two explosive devices originating in Yemen and destined for two synagogues in Chicago. The discovery of the packages containing the bombs-the first one in England...

My Optimism About the New Arab Revolt

Unprecedented convulsions across the Middle East, from Morocco to Iran, prompt three reflections: First, these rebellions fit into the context of a regional chessboard, what I call the Middle East cold war. On one side...

Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

Israel Worried Over Iranian Navy

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that Israel has been closely following the expansion of the Iranian Navy and extension of its operations. In a report, the center said Israel was concerned over...

Arab Spring Indeed? The upheaval in the Arab world, which began in Tunisia, spread into Egypt, Yemen and Libya and reached Syria in mid-March 2011, has dramatically shaken and transformed the Middle East. The sequence of events...

Incisive Commentary

December 6, 2007 "Stumbling Blocks" Here we have, as if they were needed, more reasons why negotiating with the PA is impossible: The Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council has passed a law (first reading) saying that any concession...

The New Middle East If the mullahs aren’t overthrown, the New Middle East will be a very dark and dangerous place. A new Middle East is upon us and its primary beneficiary couldn’t be happier. In a speech Monday in the...