Editorial of The Forward, New York

"Isaiah & Solender" "Information published today about a decision to present Yasser Arafat with the United Jewish Communities Isaiah Award misrepresents the facts and is misleading. There was never any intent to issue the award...

Christian Groups Who Were Expelled This Past Month

While these groups vary slightly from each other in exact denomination and particular ideology, they share a common expectation: a return of Jesus sometime in the immediate future. This expectation has prompted the members...

Analysis: The Isaiah Award to Arafat

Our news agency, which covers the Palestinian Authority and the peace process, has been informed by the Palestinian Authority that the United Jewish Communities UJC Prime Minister's Mission will indeed provide the Isaiah Award...

Palestinian Authority Confirms Jewish Advocate Report, Says UJC Will Still Give Award to PLO...

BOSTON, Oct. 14 -- By early October, the plan by United Jewish Communities (UJC) officials to award Yasir Arafat its Isaiah peace prize was set. The award had already been purchased, Arafat's office had...

Prof. Irwin Cotler’s Presentation on the Subject of Freeing Terrorists in the Context of...

On September 14, 1999, the renowned international human rights lawyer and professor of law at McGill University, Irwin Cotler, delivered a comprehensive presentation at the Beit Agron International Press Center concerning the current release...

Provocative Settler Birth Unravels Nerves in Judea

Sara Bedein gave birth on 17th September, 1999 to yet another gingy, Rehuma Leah, a bouncing buttercheeks sister to Noam, Rivka, Elchanon, Leora, and Meira, and intends to ring her as yet another settler...

Incitement: The Missing Element in the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum*

The agreement signed between Israel and the PLO on Sept. 4th, 1999 was different in one significant way from the Oslo accords that were reached in August, 1993 and the Wye Accords that were...

David Bedein’s Response to Rabbi Asherman

Dear Rav Arik, I am more than pleased to publish your reponse to my piece. In terms of my response to you, please know that it is because I have expectations from the Rabbis for Human...

Rabbis for Human Rights Responds to David Bedein

David Bedein wrote in his April article, "Rabbis Who Ignore Human Rights", "Ten years ago, a group known as the Rabbis For Human Rights"... was formed to relate to the human rights and civil...

Questions Placed to the “Rabbis for Human Rights”

The Rabbis for Human Rights aims to educate Jews, especially Israeli citizens, that they bear a burden of moral responsibility in the area of human rights and civil liberties, especially in regard to Palestinian...