PHRMG: Palestinian Authority Controls Jerusalem Newspaper

Al-Quds Al-Quds is the most widely distributed newspaper, read by 61.3% of the readers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (according to a poll organized by Jerusalem Media & Communications Center (JMCC) in...

Pushing Towards a PA State

This week, the Israeli government has been asked by the US state department and by the White House to dispatch representatives to talks that will take place somewhere near Washington, to meet with representatives...

What Did Barak Know

On January 27, 2000, The Israel State Comptroller, the highest arbiter of the Israeli legal system, asserted that the campaign to elect Ehud Barak as the prime minister of Israel had established no less...

An Insider’s Report From the Shepherdstown Talks

Shepherdstown, W. Va -- It is only a few hundred meters from the improvised press center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, where this writer spent the better part of a week, to the conference center...

A Daughter’s Plea

Sara's mother was murdered with 3 other women who were slain at a bus stop in Jerusalem in March, 1991. A few months ago, I opened the daily Yediot Aharonot Israeli newspaper and I was...

Eye on Syria: Timely Report on Developments

Welcome to Eye on Syria, a timely report on developments in Syria as well as a review of pertinent articles in the Syrian official press as well as what is written about Syria. The...

Towards an Arab Comprehensive Strategy For Peace

If one reviews the peace process since its launching after the U.S. aggression against Iraq in which the Syrian regime participated, s/he will realize why the Syrians looked for a peace settlement with the...

Can Tyrants Make Peace? A Perspective on the Syrian/Israel Talks in Washington

One of the lessons of the twentieth century that is that a tyrant does not make peace with a democratically elected leader. A dictator views an agreement with a democracy as one of expediency, designed...

The Man Who Convinced Eshkol

The course of history can be changed by the determination of one man who stands up for what he believes in when he is listened to by people who are in a position of...

Eye on Syria: Timely Report on Developments

Welcome to Eye on Syria, a timely report on developments in Syria as well as a review of pertinent articles in the Syrian official press as well as what is written about Syria. The...