Official Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Radio

Nov 16, 7 a.m. Narrator's Remarks (Youssef Mahmoud): Today is the day of the Mihraj (celebration off Muhammad's legendary nocturnal journey from the Meccan Mosque to the Furthest Mosque, assumed by later Muslim commentaries to be...

Official Media of the Palestine Authority, November 15, 1998

Excerpts from Arafat's Speech in Ramallah: Narrator quoting Arafat: "We are building our state, piece by piece and will continue until our state is established and Holy Jerusalem is its capital. We are only a...

Ten Days in the Life of the Palestine Authority

Palestinians wary of Israeli ratification of Wye The Palestinian Authority has expressed displeasure with the ratification by the Cabinet of the Wye Plantation agreement. This, despite a meeting by Israeli envoy Yitzhak Molcho with PA...

A Day in Official Palestinian Media

Today, Faisal Al-Husseini, the Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem affairs attacked Israel's municipal elections in Jerusalem, calling Israel's rule anywhere in Jerusalem as "illegal." In addition the PLO's Fatah branch announced that they would be...

Shanda! Do the Prisoners of Zion have to Live a Life of Disgrace?

There was a time when we asked for your help in the struggle against the Soviet government. Now we ask you to help us in our struggle for survival with the authorities of Israel...

An Interactive Critique of Jerusalem Post Editor Jeff Barak’s Interview with Yassir Arafat

On Friday, November 13, 1998, the editor of the Jerusalem Post, Mr. Jeff Barak, condcuted an interview with Yassir Arafat. The article was entitled "Arafat's charm offensive". Media Reasearch Analyst and Israel Resource News...

Official PA Newspaper Blames Israel for Jerusalem Bombing

Two days after the November 6, 1998 bomb attack at Jerusalem's Mahaneh Yehuda market injured 25 Israelis, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is blaming Israel for the incident and for previous attacks against Israeli civilians....

Al-Ahram Weekly: For the First Time, Egypt Admits Sinking the Dakar

Giving Chase to an "Enemy" Sub by Galal Nassar Al-Ahram Weekly 29th October - 4th November, 1998 Heading: A high military official confirmed in the presence of President Mubarak that the Egyptian navy was responsible for the...

Palestinian Reactions to the Wye River Memorandum III

Revising the Charter and Security Issues Part II, Section C, Paragraph 2, of the Wye River Memorandum, requires the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Central Council to reaffirm the January...

Arafat Health Scare Puts Peace Process in Jeopardy

Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, is suffering from Parkinson's disease, according to a report compiled by Israeli military intelligence. He is receiving treatment for symptoms of tremor and muscular rigidity but shows no sign...