Let Their People Go

YC, a healthy yet distraught young man recently showed up at my office. We all hear horror stories of the trials and tribulations of new immigrants. We have all experienced these stories in our own lives. However,...

Minister of Defense Office – No Specifics on Compliance

IMRA asked Minister of Defense Media Coordinator Avi Benayahu's office the following question: In today's Cabinet Communique, the Minister of Defense said "Israeli society is now confident that there exist interim stations in the ...

Head of Fatah Youth, Hakim Awad, on Weapons Training

IMRA interviewed Hakim Awad, the head of Fatah Youth in the West Bank and Gaza, in Hebrew and English, on May 24: IMRA: It was reported that last Thursday a group of Fatah Youth completed...

The Unclean Side of Daimler-Benz

West Lafayette, Indiana, May 17, 1998. I speak for all those who can no longer speak for themselves. I speak for those endless railway cars of Jewish slave laborers whose seemingly inexhaustible supply in...

Marwan Barghouti: Blow Up Settlements, No Deal on Jerusalem

IMRA interviewed Marwan Barghouti the head of Fatah West Bank in English, on May 17, 1998. Barghouti is also a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. IMRA: Before the "Nakba" march last Thursday, the Palestinian...

PA Ministry of Information on Right of Return

IMRA interviewed Omar Bessisso, Head of Relations and External Media Department in the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Information, in English, on May 14, 1998: IMRA: What do you see as the central message of the...

PALESTINE: 50 Years of Occupation – Call For Action

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful The Mercy-Giving Islamic Association For Palestine (IAP) P. O. Box 74353 Dallas, Texas 75374 Tel: (+97-2) 669-9595 Fax: (+97-2) 669-9597 E-mail: info@iap.org Homepage: www.iap.org/50years "Glory to (Allah) who did take his servant for...

NAKBA: The Palestinian Arabs Miss Their Opportunity…

As Israel celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with appropriate pomp and circumstance, the new Palestine Authority, the entity that rules all of the Palestinian Arab population in Gaza and 95% of their population on the...

Palestinian State, Fighting Terror

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly 30th April - 6th May, 1998 "The Criterion: a Palestinian State" by Salama A. Salama As Israel celebrates its...

Tikkun’s Rabbi Michael Lerner

The complete, unedited text of the message broadly distributed by Tikkun's Rabbi Michael Lerner Date: Friday, May 08, 1998 10:29:27 From: Rabbi Michael Lerner To: In the days when the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal were...