Brinkmanship on a Lame Duck Plantation
I spent the good part of a week covering the middle east talks at the Wye Plantation, on the Eastern shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA, in an area that is best...
Al-Ahram: Weak Clinton, Egyptian Poll, Palestinian State, PA/Israel
Crime and Punishment
by Fayza Hassan Pot Pourri, a regular columnist
The numerous episodes of the Clinton saga are telling proof that Americans have not really changed in their candid, puritanical morality since the days the...
Why is the Shuafat Refugee Camp Seething?
At a time when the issue of Palestinian refugees surfaces on the agenda of the peace process, a visit to the one Palestinian refugee camp in Jerusalem can provide you with some understanding of...
Hebron: A Peace With No Losers?
The cycle of violence continues in Hebron.
On one side, the Jewish residents are calling for a voiding of the Oslo process and a return of Hebron under total IDF control.
On the other side, the...
Out of Shadows, Agency Is Directly Involved in Israeli-Palestinian Security Talks
The CIA has emerged from the shadows of diplomacy to play a unique, highly visible role in the Middle East peace process, mediating disputes between Israeli and Palestinian security forces and participating in negotiations...
Netanyahu – Oslo Bad Deal But Continue, Hints Compromise on Demands
At the end of the day there are two ways to approach this. One is to say I am not going to make a deal under any circumstances if all of my conditions are...
Iraq News Update
B. Gilman Introduces Bill to Support Opposition to Saddam, 29th September
Robert Kagan, "A Way to Oust Saddam," Weekly Standard, 28th September
Iraqi Work Toward A-Bomb, Washington Post, 30th September
Israeli Tips Aided UNSCOM, Washington Post, 29th...
PA Security Chief: We Drafted 25 Hamas Terrorists into Palestinian Security Forces to Protect...
Following are excerpts of an interview on 24th September, 1998, with Muhammad Dahlan, head of the Palestinian Preventive Security Service in Gaza, which was conducted by the official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda.
Question: The...
Official Fatah Editorial – Preparing for State
The following is the complete and unedited text of an editorial on the official Fatah Website 15th September, 1998,
President Clinton has sworn that he will remain committed to the peace process in the...
The Case of the Stolen Children from Yemen – Part 11: A Mother and...
In the same week that four graves were opened, Tzila Levine arrived in Israel. Mrs. Levine came from Sacramento, California with the thought that she may have been taken from her original family and...