The real (and awful) reason Biden is coming to Israel

Caroline Glick’s show IN FOCUS tackles the following issues in the wake of war with Hamas: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken returns to Israel while Israeli Defense Forces are amassed at the Gaza...

Video Testimony of Yossi Landau (Zaka) October 17 th , 2023

Video Testimony of Yossi Landau (Zaka) October 17th, 2023 Yossi Landau (Zaka): My name is Yossi Landau. I'm 55 years old. I live with in Ashdod, father of ten children, grandfather of 22, having a...

‘Horror Stories’: Journalist Stands By Coverage of Hamas Massacring Babies, Reveals Another Heartbreaking Claim

The TV reporter who broke the now-viral story about Israeli babies murdered — some purportedly beheaded — at the hands of Hamas terrorists is standing by her coverage and revealing other acts of unimaginable...

Qatar caught between Hamas and West

Qatar is trying to walk a tightrope between western public opinion and support for Hamas. Qatar has so far avoided any major Israeli and international pressure and recriminations against it in social network campaigns, following...

Israeli forensic teams describe signs of torture, abuse

Military forensic teams in Israel have examined bodies of victims of last week's Hamas attack on communities around the Gaza Strip and found multiple signs of torture, rape and other atrocities, officers said on...

Flash Report from the Hostages and Missing Families Forum headquarters

Initial medical report on the condition of the hostages and missing persons: Immediate danger to life and unbearable suffering for some of the hostages and missing persons. This emerges from an initial medical report detailing...

UNRWA urges for the protection of civilians across the Gaza Strip: Not one wordo...

With a very heavy heart, I am called to share with you the Official Statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, on today’s tragic developments in the Gaza Strip: “As Gaza remains under heavy bombardment with...

Letter to Hendon MP – re BBC fail to use terminology TERRORIST

I wrote to you on the 24 May 2021(see attached) regarding the Dyson Report and the Balen  Report of 2004 in to the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of facts and asked what steps HM  government...

It’s time to take off the gloves

On the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War the enemies of Israel and the Jewish People chose another religious holyday to launch their version of the final solution. Like the Amalekites who attacked the vulnerable...