Israeli, Jewish leaders condemn Sweden over approval of public Torah burning

Swedish police have allowed the public burning of sacred Jewish and Christian texts at a small protest outside Israel's embassy in Stockholm this Saturday afternoon, July 15th. The possibility of such a deeply controversial event...

Letter to sweden


Today’s French Revolution

In July 1789, the Paris Bastille was stormed by rampaging mobs, and the established order of autocratic rule was swiftly swept away. With the departure of the monarchy, a hopeful new era dawned, and French...

Phantom Nation – Inventing the “Palestinians” as the obstacle to peace

On March 9, 2014, Sha'i ben-Tekoa, DeProgram Program, gave a terrific and important presentation to Children of Holocaust Survivors on his book on the invention of a Palestinian people. There is hardly a person...

Jenin shows economic wellbeing does not eradicate terror

Rising living standards reduce the number of Palestinians joining terror organizations but acts of terror persist. The start of the operation in Jenin this morning by the Israel Defense Forces represents the culmination of a...

The New Normal: criminalizing socio-political criticism as “right-wing supremacy”

Last month the American writer C.J. Hopkins, who lives in Germany, was placed under investigation by the Public Prosecutor there for tweeting the cover of his new book: The Rise of the New Normal...

Satan as Agent Provocateur

How the CIA makes people stupid - TIA-155

50 Supreme Court decisions that were based on justices’ interpretations and opinions, rather than...

Look at Israel's High Court of Justice rulings to understand  "judicial reform" By David Bedein The time has come to explain "Israel judicial reform".  Here are 50 Israel High Court of Justice decisions  based on justices' interpretations...

House Republicans are drawing a bright line on UN reform

Liberals don’t like spending cuts, and they especially love spending taxpayers’ money abroad. So when the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs released its funding bill for fiscal year 2024 last month,...

Foreign office refuses request for documents concerning UK aid to Palestinian Authority

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has refused to disclose and publish documents concerning how British aid to the Palestinian Authority is audited. In a statement to the Israel campaign groups We Believe in...