Weekly Commentary: What If Bernard Lewis Was Right About Nuclear Iran Welcoming Apocalypse Rather...

Weekly Commentary: What If Bernard Lewis Was Right About Nuclear Iran Welcoming Apocalypse Rather Than Seeking Deterrence? Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 1 June 2023 "mutual assured destruction, the deterrent that worked so well during the Cold War, would...

Deciphering the headlines

According to the Oxford language website, deciphering is defined as “succeeding in understanding, interpreting or identifying something.” Having the ability to do this is a requirement these days, especially as the print and online media...

UNRWA Donor Conference 2023

The Ad Hoc Committee to Announce Voluntary Contributions to UNRWA will meet on 2 June 2023 at 10am in Conference Room 4. The Secretary-General will be present and will make a statement to Member...

‘An ugly scar on Israel’s justice system’

Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who represented Amiram Ben Uliel before the Supreme Court, claims that Ben Uliel’s confession was obtained under torture and should be treated as such. Feldman was hosted on Arutz 7 Hebrew site against a backdrop...

Saudi Normalization Does Not Mean Peace

Saudi Arabia heads the Arab League of Nations, whose charter, adopted in 1945, calls for the liquidation of the Jews in Palestine. Notably, Saudi Arabia and the Arab League launched total war on Israel...

Hijacked by Hate

Anti-Muslim bigotry is a common and widespread feature of our country’s mainstream cultural and political landscape. However, it is important to remember that Islamophobic attitudes and policies are propagated by special interest groups with...

UNRWA donors gather- Will they place conditions on donations?

This coming Friday,  UNRWA donor nations  gather at UN headquarters, as reported in the Jordan Times*,  to discuss what UNRWA describes as a downfall in donations for UNRWA, operating 59 "temporary" refugee camps for 6.7 million descendants of the...

Saudi Normalization Does Not Mean Peace

www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com Saudi Arabia is the king pin of  the Arab League of Nations, whose charter, adopted in 1945, calls for the liquidation of the Jews in Palestine. Notably, the Arab League of Nations  launched total war on...

Questions for the US ambassador to Israel

It is widely assumed that U.S. Middle East policy seeks to foster mutual recognition between Israel and a nascent Palestinian entity. That is not what we see in U.S. policy today. The Palestinian Authority’s Palestinian Security...