The "reaching out to Muslims" team. Photo Credit:

Kerry Says Lack of Israeli-PA Peace Fuels Islamic Terror Recruitment

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told Muslims Thursday night that the absence of peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is “a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation.” He told a...
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon | Photo credit: Kobi Kalmanovitz

“Palestinians want to destroy the Jewish state”

No one wants to be in Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon's shoes. The man who sits at the top of Israel's defense pyramid, approves all operational plans and has intimate knowledge of all the threats...

The three-way Israeli-Palestinian impasse

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has reached its most dangerous impasse in many years with all three (yes, unfortunately there are three) of the main actors uncertain of what they can, or even want to, do...

Handling Hamas money just got a lot riskier for Middle East banks

As the dust settles on a landmark ruling against Jordan-based Arab Bank, found liable for knowingly processing transactions of Hamas members and thereby supporting its attacks on civilians, legal experts have just begun to...

Mahmoud Abbas’ position on terror

There is controversy regarding the extent of the opposition by Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen) to the intentional killing of Israeli civilians. There are those who claim he abandoned such support in...

Anti Semitism in New PA Schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools: 2001-2014

Dr. Arnon Groiss* has prepared the following working document which summarizes the Anti Semitic motifs that have been used in the PA Schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools , ever since the new school books...

World Lawmakers to Present Hanegbi With Resolution to Investigate UNRWA

A group of 20 parliamentarians from Israel Allies Caucuses will present Deputy Foreign Minister Tzach Hanegbi with a signed resolution Tuesday calling for an investigation of UNRWA following the discovery of weapons in UNRWA schools in...

Anti-Israel Petitions Signed by Israeli Academics

Goldblum authors a desperate plea, to which Liel also gives his name, for other Israeli ultra-leftists to join their anti-democratic measure to circumvent peace negotiations and create a belligerent Arab state in the Israeli...

Israel’s Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean

About 90 percent of Israel's foreign trade is carried out via the Mediterranean Sea, making freedom of navigation in this area critical for the Jewish state's economic well-being. Moreover, the newly found gas fields...

Kerry Cairo remarks: Assume that PA might prevent rocket firing but NO DEMILITARIZATION

Remarks at the Gaza Donors Conference Remarks John Kerry Secretary of State Cairo, Egypt October 12, 2014 Thank you very much, Foreign Minister Shoukry. Thank you Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; Vice Prime Minister Mustafa; our...