Technical note: for demilitarization of Gaza – keep it simple Many different officials and others are now pitching the idea that demilitarization of the Gaza Strip should follow after a cease fire goes into effect (if and when it does). Unfortunately, if there is one...

Hamas Wants to Die It's like the old joke: Why do Jewish men die before their wives? Because they want to. Civilizations for the most part die because they no longer want to live. That is the nub...

Iran: The Regional Power behind the Hamas War Effort Vol. 14, No. 23 July 15, 2014 Iran is an arsonist, inflaming the conflicts in the Middle East. Since the 2012 “Pillar of Defense Operation,” Iran has heavily invested in improving the quantity and quality...

The Myth of Palestinian Centrality The "Palestinian cause" has been at the forefront of discourse on the Middle East for nearly a century. It has long formed the primary common concern of pan-Arab solidarity and its most effective...

Residents of Northern Gaza being warned to leave IDF - 23:47. 15.7.2014 IDF: Messages are being conveyed to the residents of the northern Gaza Strip, requesting them to evacuate their homes for they own safety and stressing the IDF's efforts to avoid harming...

What is Egypt ultimately facing with the Israeli war on Gaza? From left to right: Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, Khaled Meshal, top Hamas leader (C) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Reuters) It is not so much that Egypt worries about the fate of Hamas...

Palestinians Set Up Joint Security

Palestinian sources said the militias were working to establish a force that would protect residents of 11 UNRWA Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. They said the joint force would be overseen by a unified...

David Bedein: Advisory to Journalists in Middle East: When a “Cease-Fire is not... In the current conflagration between Israel and Gaza, news agencies mistakenly report that the a “cease fire” is being discussed with Hamas, such as the “cease fire” that resulted in the armistice that ended...

Follow up question : Press Briefing: Remarks of Mr. Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of UNRWA... From: Dr. Aaron LernerSent: Monday, July 14, 2014 3:19 PMTo: c.gunness@unrwa.orgSubject: Follow up question: Press Briefing: Remarks of Mr. PierreKrahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of UNRWA in Gaza. 14 July 2014 Dear Christopher Gunness - UNRWA Spokesperson Following up...

Operation Protective Edge – ” Update No. 3 (As of 1200 hours, July 13,...

Updated to the Sixth Day of Operation Protective Edge 1. The situation as it stands on the sixth day of Operation Protective Edge, in ITIC assessment: 1) The State of Israel - Israel was dragged into...